Its just a nightmare

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a few nights ago I had a nightmare not your average nightmare either. When I awoke from it I could still feel an essence of fear looming over me, like it had followed me into consciousness. What happened in this specific scary dream wasn't anything dangerous, I was not harmed but I was frightened to my wits end. In the dream I awoke from my bed to see a face with no skin just red veins and eyes that popped all the way out. He was peeping around the door way, which I always keep open as i fear what would be behind it looks like i was wrong to do so.

It's been three day since that nightmare and I can't shake the feeling that something's watching me. That He is watching me. I really shouldn't be so scared it was only a dream of course. Suddenly I hear the front door downstairs slam shut i run from my room and go investingate.

"hello?" I call loudly. No answer.

"hello?!" I call again, I start to feel panicked and anxious, my knees are shaking so I can barely walk heaven forbid if I have to run. Cold sweat is dripping down my face. Please don't be him. Please don't be him!

I walk into the living room ever so slowly it's right next to the front door if anyone wereto come in they may as well run in there. Nothing. I check all the downstairs and upstairs. Nothing. Just this once I'll let it go, I'll shrug it off. Only this once...

The next day I woke up extra early to go see my little sister: Lydia she's only in town for the day so we're going to make the most of it. I get changed, put on a slight bit of make-up and head out.

In the car as I'm driving to the train station to pick her up I feel something at the back of my neck like someone had just brushed it. I look behind me and nobody's there, well of course why would someone be there no one had got in the car with me but I did feel something! I did , I don't know what to think it's not possible it can't be! He's not real! He's not real! I keep chanting this until I arrive at the station.

When i first saw Lydia I new she hadn't changed still as creative and crazy as always her outfit consisted of out of date tie dye and beads like a hippy although she says she's not a hippy she's a psychic , silly Lydia it' the reason I love her even more than the fact she's my sister, she's just so eccentric.

we spent the day shopping, well mainly walking round looking rather than shopping but anything to spend the day with sis. We stopped for lunch at a nearby cafe and ordered two coffees and a few salads. We were just getting into a conversation of what out mother has been doing lately when Lyd stopped, her eyes glazed over and she stared behind me. I turned to see who it was but I could only see a man at the counter his back to us so I couldn't see hus face just a long black coat and brown fluffy hair on his head. I tried to ask Lydia what was wrong but she couldn't hear me she just kept staring. When he walked out I still hadn't seen his face but as soon as he left Lyd snapped out of it and was silent for a for moments. I asked what was wrong she said she saw something, something unusual; a weird vibe pulsing from that guy, like he wa there but not there. I know Lydia's crazy but could she be right? Should i rely on her hippy talk this once? I don't know.

Finally it became late I dropped my sister back at the train station and carried on home. As I parked the car in the driveway I heard a scartch at my back window. I tunred... nothing there. I took out my keys from the ignition. Scratch scratch. I turned again. Nothing. This scratching it sounded metalic like a knife being dragged across the glass. Suddenly I started to panic I hurriedly grabbed my house keys and sprinted into the house. The feeling of being watched came over me again but the stare felt so close I looked over all the open doorways I couldn't see anyone. Then I dared to look out the window.

He was there just staring, eyes bulging out of his head. He's wearing that long black cloak the same one I saw that guy wearing at the coffee shop. It was him. He was so close and I didn't even know! What do i do? What if he kills me? What is he tortures me?! He'll only do that if he catches me. He'll never be able to do that; I'll make sure of it. I bolt the doors, close the curtains and run upstairs grabbing my baseball bat I keep hidden in my wardrobe it's there for emergencies like being robbed not so much being stalked but a faceless stranger.

I sneak a glimpse from my bedroom window it looks onto the front garden. He's still there. Why won't he leave? I gather all my bravery and open the window. I shout out "Why are you here?!" no answer. "Why do you keep following me?" he opens his mouth to say something but all I can make out is a low hoarse whisper "...with me".

"What?!" I shout back.

"Come with me" he says louder his voice as rough as sand paper.

"Why?" I can hardly get my words out, I'm too anxious.

"Come with me"

"No!" I shout this so loudly it echoes through the house I slam the window shut and quickly close the curtain.

Then I'll have to get you myself.

This voice. His voice is eerily whispering though my head. I scream, I yell hoping to get rid of it but it's still there.

I hear the front door start to bang as if he's trying to kick it down. I lock my own bedroom dorr and hope he'll give up. I hear the hinges snap from all the way upstairs. He's broken in. I clutch my bat for dear life.

Footsteps... he's climbing the stairs. I clover my mouth to stop my heavy breathing I climb into my wardrobe and hide. My door swings open; he must of broken the lock. He's in this room. He's coming for me. He's going to kill me! ... a thick silence fills the room. I close my eyes waiting for him to leave if luck would ever be on my side. I feel a brush against my neck."I've come for you..." this whisper so close, warm breath against my ear. i barely let out a scream before I'm dragged out the wardrobe and knocked unconscious...

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