25 November 2021

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Jadi, aku mimpi. Masa aku kan chat sama temenku mau mbantuin deknen dalam matematika. Keknya aku berlebihan gt sih. Wong chatny kyk gini

I'm so stressed

Why? Is there anything
thatt I can help?

I'm struggling with math
I really can't do it

Well, I understand a little bit of
math. I'll explain it to you
What is it about? Algebra?
Trigonometry? Matrix?

No, you don't need to,

Nahh, it's okay. I insist

Listen here you lil sh-t
When I say that you don't need
to, then you don't
Just leave. I don't need your help
Leave me alone

So yea, it went like that. I was so shocked. I didn't even bother to ask him for a clarification, I was also mad because I just wanted to help him. Blablabla, Idk why the dream sent me to the bathroom then I was abducted (?). After that idk how, but he told me that he did that because he didn't want me to get abducted. But, well, I got abducted. So weird right?? Ga ngedong lagi aku sama jalan pikiranku. Mimpiku ga nggenah semua😑

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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