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Even Song Zhixi's Weibo Post Bar, entertainment news or something, he didn't bother to follow it.

He is only addicted to acg.

Besides, all of Song Zhixi's social platform accounts are not managed by him himself, but Wu Chen helps him to manage them, and he is not a social person.

"How serious are you going to be?" Song Zhixi raised his head and asked him.

"Just save the name, I used to save it like this."

Song Zhixi did not speak, he was really changing the remarks, but instead of deleting the previous ones, he added two more words. , Became-the universe fried chicken invincible handsome than her husband.


Zhou Han just wanted to laugh in his heart, and wondered how many characters could be stored in this address book note, which is also amazing.

"Give you half an hour." Song Zhixi returned the phone to him after saving, walked out of the bathroom and returned to the sofa.

Zhou Han came out and said dissatisfied, "For half an hour, there is no car in the film and television city. I can't go by walking for half an hour. I have to eat and have to go back and forth. You might as well say something. Minutes, I can’t come back anyway."

"That one hour."

"Well...what are the consequences of overtime?"

Song Zhixi didn’t look at him, and picked it aside The script, leaning gracefully on the sofa, with those slender legs stacked together, is really pleasing to the eye.

"Choose one of the three consequences."

Choose one of the three...?

Song Zhixi continued, “First, copy the script to me and ask for a clear regular script.”

“Second, memorize your lines to me, asking for fluency and naturalness.”

"The third..." Before Zhou Han finished talking about the third, he quickly interrupted him, "Are you the vicious head teacher of high school?"

Song Zhixi ignored him and continued. "Third, 100 sit-ups and 100 push-ups are required to be done within half an hour."

"..." Zhou Han was completely speechless, he really didn't want to choose either.

"Big brother, is there any other choice~ I finally took three days off, can you force me to read the script and recite the lines on the last day, and there are 100 push-ups and sit-ups within half an hour? When you are done, will you be a master of my sports committee!"

"Then you will come back soon." It was still a cold, emotionless voice.

"I'm afraid I should have some accident...Can I give more time?" Zhou Han looked at him pleadingly and found that he still didn't look at himself.

After a while, Song Zhixi finally raised his head and glanced at him, then hooked his slender finger, "Then come here."

Zhou Han obediently went over, sat down beside him, smiled I asked, "What's your order."

"Act a baby."

Zhou Han subconsciously was a little far away from him, and looked at him strangely, "Are you poisonous?"

"You There is a coquettish show in the play, so you should practice first.” Song Zhixi told him calmly.

He has read all the contents of the current script. Although he only drew the first act, he actually knew all the plots, including every plot that Zhou Han was going to play.

We Are Divorced, Ok? [English Translation] Where stories live. Discover now