🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞 (this one is a bit long so I hope you don't mind)


(Mill's POV)

    Classes were over for today. Today I was going back to Love and Nine's dorm to hang out a bit and hang out but while I was looking down at my phone, I got a message. It was from Nine.

Nine: hiiiii babyyyy! Just wanted to say that you should spend the night over at our place. IT COULD BE LIKE A SLEEPOVER!! I have so many cute pajamas we can wear and we can eat so many snacks and watch cute movies. Pleeeeaasseeeee. 💜

I felt like I was having a heart attack. I've never had a sleepover before. I just quickly texted him sure and he then texted me to go to my place to get some stuff from my place if I want.

When I finally got to my dorm and went inside, Rie, Junji, and Yoojung were sitting on the couch. I closed the door behind me and took off my shoes. "Hi." I said quietly while trying to make my way to my room. When I walked into my room they then soon followed in after me. I got one of my bags I never use to put all of my stuff in it and started putting stuff I needed in the bag. "Where are you going?" Junji asked and I turned around to them.

Suddenly Yoojung ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "Please don't do any more drug deals! We don't wanna lose you to drugs!" He yelled at me. I pushed him off slightly. "A..drug dealer? I'm not a drug dealer." I said and Rie yanked Yoojung off of me. "I told you." Rie said. "Why do you think I'm a drug dealer?" I asked as I sat on my bed.

"Weeeellllll. After you left we ended up kinda following you and then we saw you go into a classroom so we thought you were doing a drug deal or doing drugs and we don't want that for you cause that's a no but when you came out after a bit we saw you kiss Nine and Love. I don't know if drug dealers do that but we are just confused. Can you tell us what's going on?" Yoojung said while barely taking any breaths. I felt my heart sink and felt very anxious and felt sick.

"We're dating!" I yelled out and quickly covered my mouth. They looked more relaxed and relieved. They sat down on the bed next to me. "That's all?" Junji asked so I uncovered my mouth. I nodded my head. "Well that's great news. Your first relationship. I'm so proud of you." Yoojung said. I felt so confused in this moment. "You guys aren't mad?" They all shook their head and Rie laughed at me. "Why would we be mad?" I looked down at my hands when Rie asked that. "No of course not. Are you happy?" He asked me and I nodded my head fast and blushed.

"Well that's good. That's all that matters." Junji said and suddenly they all hugged me. It lasted for about a minute till Yoojung pulled away and asked, "So why are you packing a bag?" "Oh well...Nine invited me to umm...sleep over at their dorm and I said yes."

    As soon as I said that. Yoojung jumped up. "Wait a minute! You got invited to sleep over at your boyfriends dorm. Just you. And them?" I nodded my head at him. "Oh my god." He said while I was just sitting there confused. "What?" I asked.

    "Yoojung stop he's an adult." Rie said while putting his arm around me. "Still." Yoojung ran out of the room. "I'm confused." I said to them. "Yoojung thinks you guys will have sex." Junji said and my breathing got shaky. "If you want and they want to, do it. If you don't want to and they do. You can still say no." He said then Yoojung came back into the room and threw a box at me. "Just in case. Good luck soldier." Yoojung saluted to me and ran out of the room again. I looked in the box and it said it was condoms.


    After a awhile I got to Nine and Love's dorm and knocked on the door. I waited a bit and soon Nine answered. "Hiii!" Nine said and hugged me tightly. "Hi." I said quietly back to him. After a bit he stopped hugging me and pulled me into the dorm. He closed the door and I took my shoes off and put my bag where he told me to. "Okay I may have gone a bit overboard but I bought a bunch of your favorite snacks and drink. Your favorite kind of plushies that are soft and squishy, and I got us all matching pajamas to where that have cute bears on them. Oh! And a weighted blanket." He said to me and I smiled and blushed.

    "I tried to hold him back from getting too much stuff but then he kicked me." Love said while coming out of the bedroom and he walked over to me and kissed me on my cheek. "I love it all. Thank you." I said and he gave me my pajamas. "If you want you can change in our room." He said and I nodded my head. "Or you could change out here in front of us." Love said as he took off his shirt in the living room. I kinda just froze and held the pajamas very close to my chest. Nine giggled and started taking off his clothes too.

    All I could do was just stand there. I already felt like I was getting hard but I was trying so hard to control it. Love finished changing and noticed me and walked over to me. "Do you need help baby?" He asked me and I nodded my head. What the hell did I just agree to??? He grabbed the pajamas out of my hands and put them on the couch. "Put your arms up." He ordered me to so I did as my breathing got faster. He took my shirt off and put my shirt on the couch. Love ran his pointer finger down my body. He stopped once he got to the line of my pants. Nine got a lollipop and sat on the couch but faced us and just watched us.

    Love got on his knees and pulled my pants down. Once he took my pants fully off, he put them on the couch also and then suddenly he left kisses up my thigh which made me bite my lip to cover my whimpers. "He's already enjoying it daddy." Nine said while sucking on his lollipop. "Mm I call Love daddy a lot so you can too." Love stopped kissing my thigh and turned around and grabbed my new pajamas.

After he was done putting them on me, he gave me a kiss on my lips. When I went to go kiss him back, he pulled away and smirked at me then walked away and sat in the couch.


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