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Hey guys!

So, I am half-ass back, but I wanted to add to this story just like I did with Thanksgiving (if you haven't read it, you should—go check it out) since a handful of you guys have wanted this story to keep going. So, I present to you the continuation of "My Love."

P.S. I have no idea how I will end this, and I am just going to wing it like I did with Thanksgiving. Let's see what happens, shall we

Paul x Reader: Death


Previously on "My Love: Enduring Love"

"THEY COULD STILL HURT YOU! I don't want you talking to them again!"

"Hell no! Last time I checked, I didn't have to ask you who I should or shouldn't be friends with! I can make my judgment!"

"See, this is why I wish I would have never imprinted, especially on someone like you! Why can't you just listen?!" I say. In that second, you can hear a pin drop. The words flew out before I could stop them. Usually, I have control over what I say in our argument, but this time, I couldn't.

"Wow...Bet." Y/n said. Fuck. I groan and follow her outside.

"Paul!" Sam calls out to me

"It's fine Sam, the truth comes out one way or another. Snout, let's go, baby!" Y/n walks out the front door and towards her car. I reach out to grab her hand that was holding Snout's leash. It slips, and Snout runs towards and into the woods across the street. Y/n runs after Snout, and everything goes in slow motion. Not paying attention to the truck coming, her body slammed by a truck speeding by, and she instantly hit and cracked her skull on the asphalt. I run to her hold her in my arms until the ambulance comes as her life slips away. And that's when my life came to a stop. All I hear are sirens in the distance and the feeling of warm thick liquid dripping onto my skin and clothes.

EMTs come and try to take her from my arms, but I resist until Sam and Jared make me let go. I watch as they strap the love of my life to the gurney and put her inside of the truck.

"Shit," Brady said. I look over and see Snout, dead, next to the truck's tire. His leash got caught against something and dragged him, snapping his neck. I couldn't help but lose it at that point. I tried to run before I was aware of doing so, but I was stopped by Embry. The cops want to talk to me and ask what happened. Somehow, I could answer some of the questions, but I could feel myself breaking down as I told them what had happened.

Thus, leading us up to here.

Present-day: September 2nd

I could hear it—the final heartbeats. Carlisle and Edward rushed in as we listened to the final intake of breath and the thumping of her heart. After the last one, we'll know which path she decided to take.





Currently—Third POV

Time officially stopped for Paul as he stared at the love of his life, his reason for existing, his mate, everything that completes him. Eventually, he lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in when he saw Y/n twitch. Although he had some doubt afterward, afraid he just saw things in hopes she was "alive," however, it wasn't until her nose started twitching and he could see movement behind her eyelids. Paul felt something within and on his face that he had not felt since their argument at Sam and Emily's place. Relief, happiness, reassurance, and a smile. Regardless, if she never wants him again—which he hopes isn't true—he is just happy to see her alive. Although, if she doesn't want him, it will kill him to live without her, and he only prays that she forgives him.

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