C2- House Hunting

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We left Costa and walked down to the estate agents where a girl called Sarah would be waiting for us. She'd be taking us around the houses. Giving us tips and advice as she knew this was mine and Zoe's first house EVER.

We greeted Sarah outside and decided to go in my car to get to the houses. We drove around looking in all the houses picking out vices about the houses. When we got back to the agents, Sarah asked her which one we both liked, and coincidently, me and Zoe both liked the same house. Sarah handed us the forms which we needed to sign and sent us on our way. Zoe couldn't wait to tell Alfie the good news.

"Fancy coming back with me to mum and dads, and saying hello to your boyf?" Zoe said, which shocked me a little as we were silent for most of the car journey,
"Um Yes, sure, wait! What do you mean boyf?"- I replied slightly confused, until I realised.
"Joe, is not my boyfriend! He is just the best boy MATE, you could ever have." I basically shouted. Zoe was a little startled, but giggled to herself.

Zoe always made fun of me liking Joe, ever since he found out my what day my "that time of the month"started. Don't ask why, but since then Joe just came like a big brother to me. And understood when I got really moody or just needed popcorn, Netflix,and chocolates. He'd look after me, and I really appreciated it, so I'd give him hugs around the waist and little small pecks on the checks.

Joe Sugg~ I supposeWhere stories live. Discover now