Chapter 16

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December 11, 1998

A week later and Harry was finishing his last final of the first week of finals: Care of Magical Creatures. It was the easiest final of the week and he was grateful for that.

Ron was objectively more grateful...

"Thank god," he practically shouted as they headed back inside, earning multiple looks from students around them. He didn't seem to notice or care though. "The first week of finals is over," he groaned, leaning dramatically on Hermione, "Though we still have another whole week. Remind me again why I let you convince me to go to school for another year?"

Hermione pushed him off her, rolling her eyes at him, "Because it's important to finish your education." Ron made a noncommittal noise.

Draco took that moment to catch up to them and thread his fingers through Harry's, "So, how'd you think you did?"

Harry tried not to break out into a stupid smile as he answered him, being able to hold hands whenever was a definite plus of having asked Draco to the Yule Ball, "Hopefully not as bad as I did in History of Magic, eight years now and I still haven't learned a thing in that class."

"Tell me about it," Ron complained.

"If you actually studied, you wouldn't have this problem you know," Hermione pointed out.

"Save me the lecture," Ron said as they finally reached the castle.

"How am I supposed to study when I don't know half the information?" Harry complained.

"You don't know the information, because you don't listen," Draco said, smirking at him.

"Oh god not you too, Harry, how'd we both end up dating people who study and stress about school so much?"

"'Cause you subconsciously knew what was best for you," Draco said and Hermione laughed, Ron shot her a wounded look.

"Okay, okay, we get how much you hate studying. We're taking a break for tonight so you can relax," Hermione said, and Ron practically beamed.

"Oh thank merlin, I thought I'd never hear those words."


December 12, 1998

It was a Saturday so that meant dancing practice. Saturdays were quickly becoming Harry's favorite days.

He loved getting to hang out with Draco for hours even if he ended up stepping on Draco's toes every few minutes and getting an exasperated sigh each time. Though, he had to admit, he was getting better, so it had to be good for something other than just hanging out right?

"You only stepped on my toes ten times in the last hour. I'd say you're getting better."

"Don't tell me you've seriously been counting," Harry groaned, burying his face in Draco's chest.

"Only to be able to make fun of you," Draco teased, and moved his arms to wrap them around Harry, swaying them from side to side and burying his face in Harry's messy curls.

"You're a prat."

"Mmm," Draco mumbled into Harry's hair and closed his eyes, taking advantage of his couple extra inches. He'd never felt more comfortable in his life.

Harry let out a sigh and leaned further into him, wrapping his own arms around him. "This is nice."

"Yeah, too bad we can't just dance like this. You'd actually be able to pull that off... maybe."

"Hey!" Harry shouted, pushing at him lightly, mock offended, "You just said I'm getting better!"

"Yeah, and you are, but you were absolutely terrible when we started so it's not saying much," Draco laughed, grabbing Harry's arms and pulling him back towards him.

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