five » notes over the days

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I'm here with another poem because you liked my previous one :)

My words rained over you, stroking you
A long time I have loved the sunned mother-of-pearl of your body
Until I even believe that you own the universe
I will bring you happy flowers from the mountains,
bluebells, dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses
I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.

Let me know if you like this small one as well :)

Yours always, 




(haha I'm getting such a happy feeling while writing this) I loved your poem. It's so beautiful.

I think you should become a poet. Really. 

I love getting these notes from you, it makes me feel so special. 

Thank you for making me smile every day. 

I wonder how fun would it be to talk to you in person. 

I will wait for your next note (as I always do.)

Stay safe and drink lots of water! I hope you have a nice day :)


Ykw :)



Today I'm in a hurry, so I'm not leaving a poem for you. It's okay, right?

Tell me two things about yourself. Any random things. I'm curious ;)

So, thank you for loving my poems. You were the inspiration behind them <3

Do you think I should become a poet? Are my poems that good?

I am glad I make you smile every day. Your cute notes also make my day :)

I also wish to talk to you in person. Maybe one day, I'll take you somewhere. One day. 

I'm in a rush, so this is all I can write right now :(

You too! Drink lots of water and stay safe. Don't stress! 

I will wait for your reply ^.^

N <3



I'm sorry I was super busy with submissions, but now I have the time to write back. I hope you didn't miss me that much ;)

I'll tell you two things about me. One. I love banana milk. A lot. 

And two. I love reading books. They're basically my life :)

Your poems are REALLY GOOD. Like REALLY REALLY good. I think I'm the #1 fan of them. 

My notes are not cute, they're awkward like me >:(

I would love to go somewhere with you. Hehe. 

Can you give me your number so we can chat as well? 

Eat lots of food, and sleep well, and study well and keep hydrated. I hope your day goes well. Smile for me :)))))

I am waiting for your reply ;)


author's note: 

The poem is again by Pablo Neruda. I am sorry! 

Also, these notes aren't from the same day, they're gradually talking with each other, so they do have time gaps between them! 

I wanted to add more notes, but there should be some actual human interaction too, right? Stay tuned~

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting! Makes my day! Love you <3

NOTES ; kim namjoon. ✓Where stories live. Discover now