six » insecurities and attributes.

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"Oh no!"

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"Oh no!"

That is the first thing Kim Namjoon said when he got the note back. Does she want his number? He wasn't ready to tell her who he was. What if she stops responding to him?

No. That couldn't happen. Namjoon's head was buzzing with the possibilities of what could happen if he gave her his number and vice versa.

Therefore, he went to the one and only person he could, who he knew could give him the best advice.

His elder brother. Seokjin.

"Hyung, I need your help." Namjoon stood in front of Seokjin, suddenly asking for help. Seokjin looked at him, bewildered. Why would this big human need help?

"Okay?" Seokjin asked, unsure, munching on his puffed rice. He was seated at their dining table, flipping through a cooking magazine while munching on the snack.

"So," Namjoon started, sliding onto the chair beside Seokjin, "you remember there's this girl I've liked for two years now?"

"Yes, I remember you telling me about it." Seokjin vividly remembered Namjoon telling him about a girl who he fancied around a year ago when their parents had asked Namjoon if he was dating someone then.

"Yeah. So I started sticking notes on her locker, writing them myself."

"Wait— you did? Wow, I'm so proud, my little bro! Tell me what happened next." Seokjin had abandoned his puffed rice and now he had all his attention on the younger.

"Well, I wrote notes for her every day for around a week? And then she wrote one back to me," a slight smile ghosted over Namjoon's lips.

"That is great. So, she's coming over for dinner today? You want me to make some food for her? Don't worry, I'll make whatever you want." Seokjin suddenly got excited hearing that his brother was finally talking to someone after simping on them for a very very long time.

"No. It's not that," Namjoon sighed.

"It's not?" Jin echoed his words.

"We are still talking with the help of Notes, and she doesn't know my name," Namjoon sighed, "And I don't intend to tell that to her for some time."

"What? Why— Why would you do that?" Seokjin was at a total loss of words. Why would Namjoon not tell her his name and just keep sending anonymous notes?

"Hyung... you don't get me," he expressed, "I'm just a nerdy student who is obsessed with plants and can't drive. She's not like me, at all. She's smart and she's beautiful and she's famous and she's the cheer captain and she has so many admirers and I'm nothing!" He said in one breath, "I'm nothing, Hyungie. Nothing."

"Take a deep breath, Joonie," Seokjin comfortingly said, patting the younger's back. "Who told you you're nothing? You are my everything. You are the most hardworking student. You take so much effort. You have a very big garden in the backyard. You kept those plants alive. You." Seokjin said, pointing at the latter, "Even if you can't drive a car, you can your cycles for miles, you have so much stamina for that if you know what I mean," Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows, and Namjoon gave him an annoyed look. Cracking a smile, Seokjin continued, " You write such beautiful poems. And the best part? You are my brother, and you have the worldwide handsome genes in you. Be proud of what you have."

"But that doesn't make me any less afraid that she'll stop talking to me once she knows who I am," Namjoon sighed, rubbing his face with his hand.

"You are forgetting the most vital part," Seokjin said, looking into Namjoon's beautiful dragon-shaped eyes, "She wrote back to you. Without knowing who you were. And she continues to. I don't think she's that kind of person to just stop talking to you," he said, "Tell her, that you need time to give information. I am sure she will understand."

"You sure? Really?"

"Yes, Joon. Talk it out, always. If anything is bothering you. You matter to me, okay? Even if your cooking skills are on the minus scale, I love you. You're the only family I have here."

"I love you too, Hyung. Thank you so much," Namjoon hugged his Hyung.

"Yah! Now don't cry, this is my favorite shirt!" And Namjoon knew Seokjin was back.

Namjoon chuckled. "I'll get going, Hyung. See you during dinner. Bye!"

"Bye! Drive safe! Wear your helmet! And tell me how it goes! Take care! Don't be late!"

"Sure, eomma!" Namjoon teased the elder, walking out.



author's note:

i love myself a Namjoon-Seokjin bonding time. 

sadly, there won't be all members of bangtan, because this is a short story, and the more the characters, the longer the story since i gotta add in parts for them too. if you wish to see an all member fanfiction in addition to a couple of my OCs, I think you should read my book, Dance with me and Best Friend. [enough self-promo now, bye lol]

So that's it, stay safe and stay happy and keep hydrated x

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