Raven Branwen, Estranged Heroine

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-I'll end you quickly puppet- (To Andrew, In Episode 7).

-You have a bad habit of getting saved instead of saving yourself more often- (To Andrew, In Episode 9).

Raven Branwen is Qrow's older twin sister, Yang's mother, former wife of Taiyang-Xiao-Long, and leader of the Branwen Tribe like in RWBY canon, but as a Hero, she's also the former wielder of the Holy Sword Uralt until she learned about the truth about Tortus and "Him". She's also the self-appointed protector of the Great Tree Uralt as she is the only human (aside from Hajime) to successfully guide herself through the fog that surrounds it. Due to finding out about the truth of "His" nature, She and Qrow were cursed by Ehit to shape-shift into their respective forms: a common raven and a crow. She, along with Summer, Ozpin, Qrow, Glynda, Aiko, Hajime, and Liliana are the only people who know the truth of "The God-Tyrant" Ehit but like in Rwby canon, Raven left them for her tribe (Her fear is somewhat justified when you're fighting a evil god that has used entire races as self-sacrificial puppets in a game of chess for himself as entertainment). She was part of the adventurer party STRQ (Stark) with Summer Rose, Taiyang, and Qrow doing some good with Ozpin and Glynda until she and Summer went to the Sunken Ruins of Melusine Labyrinth when she discovered the magnitude of the truth when "His" pawns intercepted them inside leading to Summer's death, and Raven's alienation and curse into a common raven. She becomes particularly embittered with Kouki, seeing him as her replacement for a "storybook hero" and sees him as "His new wooden doll toy", decrying Kouki as the "Strong Leader" and as a Hero in the aspects of strength within and without. She basically believes that Kouki is to be unfit of being the hero everyone believes him to be and she holds on to that thought with an iron grip, However, the irony is that she was never exactly heroic either, due to her world-view of survival of the fittest or in Andrew's words: A dog-eat-dog world, her hypocrisy and her cowardice when she knew about the truth about Ehit.

Race: Human (Tortus)
Job: Hero

(She would have looked the same as she was in Rwby Canon)

Personality: (She would have been the same as Rwby former but she would be more paranoid and ruthless with those associated with the Heilign Kingdom, particularly with the Hero Party like Kouki, Hajime, Kaori, Shisuku, and Andrew, seeing them as sheep dancing atop a mountain to a cliff. In Episode 6, she would attacked Hajime and his party viciously before they made it to the Great Tree Uralt, and In Episode 7 she almost successfully killed Andrew in Ur until Qrow interfered. While she has a soft soft for Yang and her tribe, she hates Ozpin with a vengeance and holds great disdain over him).

Weapons: Before Ehit's followers took it away after she learned the truth, she was the former wielder of Uralt, the Holy Sword. Her current weapons of choice is a Odachi named Omen like Rwby canon, (she's been spying on the Hero Party since they first arrived in her corvid form and grew interest in Shizuku's katana design). She also uses a longbow and arrows named Nevermore. And she uses a Kama-yari named Unkind Conspiracy

Other Skills: Despite being a former Hero, she's highly skilled with her sword and bow, being born stronger and faster than Qrow and quite possibly equal to Kouki and Shizuku in martial prowess. She also specializes in elemental magic, capable of using the four elements, lightning, and ice in conjunction with each other to cast high-level spells. She also dabbles on Synergist skills like blacksmithing, that's how she made Omen. Over the years after she got branded a "traitor", she has learned to harnessed her curse to manipulate a black sand from her mana to create creatures made out of black sand. These myriad of creatures made out of her curse-sand and her magic are these "Nightmares" that attack the heroes periodically in the Great Orcus Labyrinth after Hajime got betrayed, they take on many forms like animals and monsters, sometimes even human but that takes even more magic.

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