Time Flies

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Vi and Caitlyn have flirted for years. And somehow they still aren't actually in a relationship. Ekko can't believe it. Caitlyn's parents can't believe it.

"How long have you and Caitlyn known eachother?"

"Errr... Around two years?"

"TWO YEARS!?" Ekko exclaimed, stopping in his tracks.

Vi and Ekko were trudging through the streets of Zaun. It was slowly becoming a better place for its residents, fights were still present but the chance of witnessing one were becoming slimmer as the days passed. Vi picked at her food that Jericho had happily given her as she passed by, she leaned against a nearby wall. She knew what conversation was about to happen between her and Ekko, and frankly she really didn't want to talk about it.

"Yeah. Two years. Why?" she immediately regretted asking.

Ekko almost scoffed, "Why?!" he laughed, "You two still haven't done anything about your... you know."

"Our what?" Vi asked.

"You know! Feelings. Gross shit."

"Oh, come on, Ekko!" she rolled her eyes, trying to focus on the cup of food in her hands.

"Everyone thinks you're dating already, might as well go for it," he paused, "Two years... What are you even doing?"

Vi shrugged in response before tossing the cup in some random direction, the scraps of food splattered across the floor. She put her hands in her jacket pockets and looked down at the floor, "I mean... We do some harmless flirting here and there but-"

"Harmless flirting for two years?!" Ekko laughed again, "You can't be serious, Vi!"

"Trust me, it's harmless! We just like teasing eachother..." she trailed off, a heavy sigh followed her words.

Ekko's smile dropped upon seeing his friend's expression. Vi looked distant and defeated, "You sure it's just harmless flirting coming from your side?"


"Friends don't look at eachother the way you two do."

Vi shook her head in response, "What are you even talking about? We're co-workers. Enforcers. Nothing more."

Ekko gave her a look as if to say, 'Seriously?'. His eyebrow raised in confusion, "You're in denial, Vi," he sighed, "Why is it that everyone else can see what you two have, but you can't yourselves? I swear, this always happens..."

"We don't have anythin-"

"You literally call her 'cupcake' every chance you get. It's not a normal thing to do to someone you don't love. Especially with the way you say it. I hate talking about this but it's for the best."

"L-Love?!" Vi scoffed, "Don't you think you're takin' it a bit too far there, Ekko?" she pushed herself away from the wall and began to walk again, "What? You want me to stop callin' her 'cupcake' to prove to you that I don't-"

"Vi, you've pinned her up against the wall before and I've seen the way you two hug!" Ekko said as he trailed behind her, "Be honest."

Vi drew her hood up over her head before returning her hands to her pockets.

Yes. Okay yes. She loved Caitlyn. A lot more deeply than she would ever admit. But who cares? Certainly not Caitlyn herself. All Caitlyn cared about was her work as an enforcer. She had fallen for the girl so long ago... Hell, maybe ever since Caitlyn and her had visited that brothel on the first day they met. Feelings and emotions had always been difficult for Vi, especially after being cooped up in Stillwater for so long. Touch-starved and learning to be emotionless and strong within those walls had not been great for her these past few years.

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