Chapter 1.1: Your Stars, But Different

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(Chapter cover art by Fella2P on Twitter)

The queen fussed over the young prince's blazer. The blue cloth was sewn with intricate geometric designs that drew attention to a small but brilliant diamond that was embedded over where his heart was. Although it fitted his form nicely, his mother was picking out invisible stray threads and dust particles small enough that a convex lens would be needed to even notice its presence.

"Darling, you know you don't have to go, right? The Emeralds-"

"Yes, yes, I know. You've told me what they're like," George assured gently, though he had yet to stop her from incessantly brushing his outfit.

"I know that you're more than capable, we just worry-"

"Mum, I'm fine." The young prince's slender fingers wrap around his mother's wrists, gently pulling them away from his suit.

Her concerns were not unfounded. Apart from their neighbouring Kingdom of Gold, George had yet to meet with foreign royals. Although he was well capable, he had never experienced first-hand the passive aggression, the condescending tones that his parents experience every time a glistening, stamped invitation arrives at their doorstep.

Even worse, this was Emerald — the richest kingdom in their continent. They had won a war all the way from across the ocean just two years before. The King, who was barely much older than George himself, didn't even have to personally step foot on a boat. He was said to be ruthless with a sword, and dangerously charming. George needed to make a good impression in hopes of solidifying strong allies in the future.

"You've spent 20 years raising me to be charming and compassionate. I remember my manners and etiquette; I can manage a ball. I want to attend."

The queen tutted, taking a step back and turning the young man towards the mirror. Through it, he watched her reach for something behind her. His eyes flickered to his advisor and friend who was standing by the door, an amused smile on his face. He gave George an encouraging wink, causing George to smile and bite back a laugh. He felt a gentle weight press on his head as she placed a thin, silver diadem embedded with a few small, brilliant blue gems. It was rather humble for a crown of royal status, but it suited him well.

With arms wrapping around him, she rests her chin on his shoulder. The two lock eyes through the mirror, a soft smile on her highness' carefully powdered face. The short speech she had prepared proved to be unneeded as her son gleamed before her with sophistication, warmth, and resilience. Just as how a young prince should hold himself.

"My handsome prince. We're so proud of you, son," she whispered, planting a gentle kiss on George's cheek.

"Of course, you are," he spoke playfully, though the gentleness in his tone said more than needed.


They arrived at the ball, finally, after nearly half a day's journey.

Passing through the Obsidian kingdom proved more troublesome than expected, considering they had only recently been acknowledged as a real country.

Nestled between the nations of Gold and Emerald, the ideal location proved its sudden occupation to be controversial — countries from distant lands used ancient documents as a means to prove their right to ownership and reclamation, despite not caring much for it until Technoblade marked his territory. Perhaps it was envy for not noticing the unclaimed land first, or perhaps there was something else that made other Kings and Queens feel entitled to it.

The self-proclaimed ruler had discovered its existence during his travels and made a home, in nothing but dense forestry. In just five years, the young leader had managed to raise the population tenfold and erect buildings comparable in strength to that of Diamond's city planning.

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