It will only hurt for a little while

14 2 2

"Well if it isn't the one and only- Brandon what up man? I'm so glad it was you! I thought it was going to be the guy coming to try to save this girl

"Dude you did it again? What did I tell you about raping little girls" he asks his head you could just hear the sarcasm in his voice

"Wait a minute I know her... She goes to my school" he said while taking the gag off my mouth

"Oh really?"

"Yeah she's the no body that no one likes.... Not even the person she thinks is her only friend"

I look up at him "what what do you mean not even the person I think is my only friend... And I think I know you.. Your the guy who called me a slut.. Newsflash dude I can't be a slut if I'm a virgin!"

Tyler looks at me "you won't be for long" I look at him in horror

"You dick! You won't take my virginity I won't let you!!"

"Well" Brandon speaks up "it looks like you won't really have a choice now will you?"

"And who says I can't ninja kick you bloody fucking arses right here?"

"Wow she's go a mouth on her, maybe we should teach her a lesson. Don't you think Tyler?"

"Yeah let's fuck her brains out.... LIKE A BOSS!"

"No, no not yet, first we have to torture her very slowly, then when the time is right I will let you take advantage of her innocents. Does that sound ok to you?"

"Yeah I guess..."


"Sure" Brandon said calmly "what would you rather have us do to you.... Pull your finger nails off one at a time..... Or get tied to the bed and take it like a good little girl?"


"Oh but my dear we will... Now which one do you want?"


"You have to pick one sweetie"

"No just please let me go I won't tell a soul about it I promise!"

"But we don't want to let you go.... And since your not going to pick I will for you..... Hmm where's that knife that you just had?" Tyler handed him the knife

And with one fluid moment he ran the knife over my tummy causing me to whimper out in pain as I see blood come out of where he cut

And then he smiled and cut my panties off he stared at me and his smile widened I felt him grab my thighs and pull me closer to him

I screamed as he did that. I started to wiggle around and try to get him to stop his hand from moving up my thighs to my.... Well I think you get the point

"Stop moving it will only hurt for a little while!" He starts to take his pants off

"Dude I found her she's mine get your own sex doll!"

"Oh just step back and watch the master do his job... And then you can have her" he pulls off his pants as I begin to cry very hard

"Shut up god your loud!" He pulls off his boxers

"P-please just l-let me g-go" I start crying even harder

"Shhhh" and with that he pulls me as close to him as I will go because I was handcuffed he moans "I can already tell your a tight one!"

"YOU PERVERT GET AWAY FROM ME!" I could feel him at my enterance god why me? Can you just kill me now?

"AHHHH" I scream in pain it hurts so much please kill me! I could feel him thrusting fast and he was moaning loud

I started getting dizzy and then I blacked out

{autors note..

Sorry for the horrible scene I couldn't type anymore of the horrible things he did to her I hope you understand :/ }


4 hours later


I woke up to feel pounding in my head I was on the bed naked -_- not cool man.... What happened last night? I don't remember much..

I try to move then I feel a lot of pain in my area then all the memories come rushing back

I get really scared and start to freak out... Then I look haha the stupid guys didn't think to lock me up again now did they?

I brush off the pain and get up and get dressed then I hear foot steps coming near the basement door I run and hide under the stairs so when they aren't looking I can make a run for it

"Oh Tuesday are you ready for round 2 because I know I am!" Ewww creep

He walks down the stairs and into the room then I heard him yell for Tyler

Tyler comes running down the stairs and into the room bows my chance

I get up and run up the stairs and I make sure that they can't hear me

I get up stairs to see the front door wide open they are so stupid. Before I book it for the front door I heard Tyler scream "Tuesday we won't hurt you come on out sweetie" the hell if you won't

I run out the door and down the street where the hell am I! I hear people talking I turn around to see a couple

"Please help me! Do you know where I am?"

The lady looked at me with a smile on her face "your in Wisconsin sweetie"

"I know that but what part of Wisconsin am I in?"

"Milwaukee. Why is there something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"No, no I'm fine I just have no clue how I got in Milwaukee... I'm from Wisconsin Dells"

"We'll then do you want to use my phone to call someone?"

"No ill be fine, thank you though"

"Ok you have a very nice day and stay safe there's a bunch of creeps that live around here" you don't say! Note the sarcasm

I walk away and walk down the street more. At least I'm away from those jerks

I turn to cross the street, I'm in the middle of the cross walk when I see a tour bus booming strait at me I scream as it stops meters away from me

I see 5 guys jump off the bus "ARE YOU OKAY!?" A blond haired boy with blue eyes comes towards me

"HOLY NIALL HORAN!" I scream then Harry recognizes me "hey it Tuesday! I thought you were dead!" "Wow um.... Thanks I guess?"

Then I hear someone scream my name behind me u turn around to see 2 boys running full speed towards me "how did you get ou- ummmmm hi I'm Brandon and this is Tyler.... We are going to need her back!"

"Umm no you don't. Tuesday get in the bus" he sees me hesitate "Louie take her to the bus make sure she's safe"

Louie looks at me then grabs my hand and takes me in to the bus "everything is going to be ok" he says and right on cue I start crying he hugs me close to him

"I'm s-so scared" he hugs me closer

"Shhh everything's going to be ok. Shhhh don't cry love please there's no need to cry your safe now shhh"

And for once in my life I listened I was ok and everything was ok I'm going to be ok. I'm safe with One Direction wow never thought I'd say that!


Haha thanks you guys so how do you like it so far?




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