I'm dead

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Hey so I decided to keep going with the book because I realized I can do two things at once cuz I'm cool like that!

3rd person POV

We all watched in horror as Andrew kept trying to kick the door down he just couldn't kick it "there is something blocking the door"

"Yeah probably her body" one of the guys behind me said... I turn around and give him the look. Andrew finally got the door down but it was already to late there she was lying on the bathroom floor a pool of blood surrounding her. this is going to sound horrible but she's still beautiful laying in her own blood

"Is she dead?" I asked Andrew ran over to her and checked her pulse "no... call an ambulance! hurry!"

One of the guys ran down stairs "man I really hope she lives" I say as I look at her lifeless body

She will live... I hope

Five minutes later the ambulance gets here... by now Andrew has wrapt her wrists so no one had to see them.

I never understood how someone could do that to themselves and not get upset when seeing the scars everyday as a reminder....

They get her in the ambulance and we all hop into the car and to the hospital we go.. I always hated hospitals. everyone was so silent the whole way there

I try to relieve some of the tension "sooo. how is everybody?"

"Dude shut up!" Andrew screams at me

"I'm sorry I was just trying to lighten the mood"

"Well your not"

I went silent then, sitting there in that waiting chair while they are still trying to stabalize Tuesday. I feel tears threatening to fall and I let them because I think about all the things I never got to say to her and that I never got to kiss her or tell her that I am in love with her. I might never get married and have beautiful children with her. the tears start falling more often and more often until finally I never get a break from them. I excuse myself to the Lou so I can freshen up. god I sound like a woman, I sound like.... Tuesday.

The tears come harder now as I make my way to the door to the big bathrooms they have at the hospital I push through it and rush to one of the many stalls I take the biggest one, lock the stall door, slide down to the floor, and start having a panic attack

10 minutes later......

I decide to get up and go out to the waiting room again. I look at myself in the mirror and gasp at the sight I looked horrid I actually scared myself

I walk out and see all the lads sitting in the chairs. no sooner than I sit down the doctor comes into the waiting room we all sit up strait

"I am truly and deeply sorry... but I'm afraid we could not stabalize your friend"

My whole body shuts down. This cannot be happening not now please god not now


Sorry everyone I just got out of the hospital yesterday so I'm a little stiff sorry for the little bit you all have to read I will try my bestest to post more often

How's about the cliffhanger huh? do you really believe she's dead? or is there some kind of explanation? you shall find out soon enough

(>^•^<) <Karly>

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