Ch 22 : Reunion and Disgust

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The Imperial Knights had currently broken all carriage wheels and completely surrounded the mansion, and were entering it from the various entrances they had discovered.

Arius and the rest had now reached the backstage , still invisible. They saw several men standing around them but quietly walked past them. Winslow was guiding them to the area where he suspected the group one of slaves to be. As they passed they could hear the Auctioneer loudly announcing the prices of the children.

It was disgusting.

Placing a price tag on a living being, as if assuming their worth. Selling them like objects who had no mind of their own whatsoever.

They're not objects.

They're people.




Arius caught a glimpse of the stage as he passed by and saw a girl with pigtails trembling in front of the crowd which kept on raising prices for her worth. The thought of how the girl must be feeling made him want to switch places . The crowd of nobles looked like demons waiting to devour the girl. She trembled and wanted to call out for help but her voice was too scared to come out.

Even if she cried  , who would help her?

If she screamed and shouted , who would save her?

The feeling of being completely alone and helpless. The feeling of inferiority and weakness. Arius knew those feelings all to well and as he looked at the small figure tremble quietly he was reminded of his past life when his parents would raise their voices at him and scold him. He developed a fear of loud noises due to it.

Even if they end up saving all the children currently trapped in this mansion. They will be traumatized for life because of these scummy adults. The memories of these days would replay over and over again in the form of nightmares.

"There!" Winslow whisper shouted as he pointed towards a familiar blue-head. Two men surrounded Cadell as he stood behind the curtains.

"And now ! I present to you this young swordsman! "

The curtains once again subsided and Cadell came into the view of the audience. A sword was placed in the middle of the stage. A real, sharp sword was right in front of Cadell and his hands were not chained either. The three watched Cadell as he was taken on the stage.

Suddenly, Gunther ran forwards leaving Winslow and Arius still staring at the stage.

"WH-Hey! Where are you-" Winslow almost shouted but switched to whispering and ran after Gunther when he saw him run.


It's her. Her long green hair that matched with Gunthers.


She's okay. Her golden eyes that even amidst the scary situation remained calm.


Thank Goodness. He suddenly pulled her into an embrace which made her flinch. "Uh-Wha-"

"Shhh" Gunther whispered in her ear and she recognized the voice.

"B-Brother? " her voice cracked with doubt and happiness.

"Mhm" Gunther hummed in agreement.

Mia's grip on Gunther tightened and tears began forming in both of their eyes. They hugged each other tightly as they both confirmed that they were not dreaming and that they were finally together.

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