Part XXIX: Enemies and friends I

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 One big droplet of water followed another one. The cycle repeated for quite a while and a downpour was unavoidable.

„Obex"I called forth a transparent barrier remembering the time I got caught up in a lovely rain with the zombie Leo. The fire spirit didn't seem to mind the rain but it stayed under my shield.

Despite the rain and an occasional thunderbolt accompanied by lighting it wasn't chilly. It was warm enough to feel comfortable. I didn't fear staying outside in weather such as this. It was actually pleasant. The smell of fresh grass filled my lungs and I walked forth quickly because we were near our destination.

The fire spirit suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. I instantly stopped. It floated towards the left to show me a kid taking shelter from the rain. The child was very small. She was probably only a few summers old.

"A witch!" She gasped as she looked at me with her big, sad grey eyes.

Her clothes were completely muddy and I smelled blood from her. She reminded me of the little witch girl I met but this troubled kid didn't have any magic.

"Are you all right? Why are you out here all alone? " I asked the little girl.

Fresh blood was mixed with the rain and mud. She was completely silent.

"Hey!" I called her again but she continued to watch me in silence. The girls' black hair was completely drenched.

I didn't know what was a proper thing to say in a situation like this. The smell of blood got more intense.

I closed my eyes to focus. I could sense pain in her back. Everything else seemed to be okay.

"Curatio" As soon as I said that she jumped in joy. Her pain was instantly gone. The wound wasn't deep but it bled a lot.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" She cried in joy. „You are a lifesaver!"

The little girl bowed which made me blush. Bowing is a gesture reserved for royals. I was a villager too. Her gratitude didn't stop at this. She jumped to hug me. I didn't refuse. It was quite a while since I received one. I cheeks got redder but it was nice to receive such heartfelt gratitude.

When she distanced herself from me, she gave me a big smile.

"How did you get hurt?" I asked her.

"Work!" she said as she gestured a few moves. She mimicked washing and cutting.

I looked at her again carefully. Work? But she was so small and so young. Someone her age wasn't supposed to work.

"Those who don't work don't get to eat!" she reacted to my confusion.

I scratched my head. „That's true, but how old are you? Six? Seven?"

"Five and a half," she proudly said as she stepped on her toes to make herself look taller.

"That's so little..."

"I've already seen many things in my life!" she interrupted me with a serious face.

She was cute while doing an impression of an adult but small children were supposed to play lots and enjoy their childhood. However, maybe I was thinking about this too deep. Her work could be playtime she took seriously.

"You know, once, when I worked in the kitchen a black hole appeared! It swallowed half of the kitchen!" she yelled.

I felt a cold sweat and I barely managed to control my body so that it doesn't start shaking.

"The people who worked there? Are they all right?" I asked.

"They are fine," she laughed. „Nobody got hurt."

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