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Chapter Fourteen:

I smiled as Carter sat down beside me at our usual lunch table. We held conversation with the people that usually sat with us. "I think you'd look good with black hair, though." One of the girls told me.

"Where did that come from?" I asked.

"Oh. Hold on a second." She said, pulling out her phone. I knew it could not be anything good, from the look on her face before she turned to screen toward me. There was a picture of me crying, my hair was edited black, and my sleeves were rolled up in the picture. One of my scars was evident. The caption read "My dad killed himself, I'm depressed, help me." I knew whom it was that did it, it was obvious with the note she left me in my locker this morning. I laughed sarcastically, and leaned back in my chair. I guess it had started, then.

"I guess she hasn't heard about what I did to Danny in eighth grade when I thought he was cheating on me, then." I stated simply. I was a master at revenge. No one could argue that, not even Daniel Jackson, my eighth grade sweetheart. He was not bad himself, but what I did to him blew his skill out of proportions. Maybe I would go and dye my hair black. It would definitely piss her off, wouldn't it?

"Everyone has, why not her?"

"They've decided to keep her in the dark, I guess. Makes it a whole lot better for me." I said, an evil smile creeping its way onto my face. If she wants to mess with me, then that is her problem.

I was generally a laid-back person, but when you had gotten past that point, you would wish you had not.

"Carter." I said. He hummed in response.

"I'm dying my hair. Oh, and I'm getting it cut." I enthused.

"What color, and how short?" Was what he replied with.

"Black," I thought for a moment "and shoulder length." I decided.

"Like the picture?" He asked warily.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Are you sure-" I cut him off.

"I know what I'm doing."

That was how I ended up in this chair. The dye was wet and sticky, and sat in a glob on my head, with all of my hair gathered in the sticky substance. Soon I was going to see the hair in clumps on the floor, as well. I sat and fiddled with my phone while my stylist did other things waiting for the timer to go off. I was relieved when it finally did. I was finally able to get that sticky glob of dye off my head. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I decided not to cut it, and paid my stylist before leaving.

I drove home, anticipating what Tanner and my mother might think. I thought about how random this had been. I was pretty convinced my mother would be majorly surprised, and that Tanner would not care. I smiled again, and thought about my strategies of revenge against Karlee. I knew it was not right, but it was a part of who I was. I laughed when I thought of the look on her face when I poured the water pitcher all over her. I made a mental note to find out the type of car she had as I pulled into the driveway. Walking in the front door, I saw a note on the table in the living room. When I walked over, I saw that it was addressed to me. There was no notation as to whom it was from, but I had a good idea. "Guess who?" it read. She really was going all out, I had to admit that, but she did not know that Nalla was trained. Nalla was a Rottweiler, if I had failed to mention. As if on cue, I heard her barking. She knew I was home. I followed the sound of the barking, with a few growls, and found myself in the guest room in which I had kept my piano. Backed up in the corner farthest to the door, was Karlee. "What's the matter? Scared of a little doggie?" I asked, mockingly. She snorted. "Nalla, heal." I commanded, and she stopped barking almost immediately. I laughed at the frightened look on her face.

"What are you laughing for? You'd be scared, too." She said, as if she knew everything about me.

"I'm laughing because you're scared of a dog. The best behaved dog I've seen, might I add." I said, stroking Nalla's back. "You should really do your research."


"Did you not know I had a large dog?"


"Well, then you can't do much talking, can you?" I asked. She walked out of the room, and toward my front door. "You're lucky if I don't report you for breaking and entering. I saw the window. You're paying for the new glass." I said, and slammed the door shut after her.

Whoo! I got to update! Not much to day, so tell me your thoughts.

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Until next time, I love you, and stay beautiful.


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