He Really just did that

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Draco's POV

What the hell does Weasley think he's doing?!? That damn Idiot.

I can't lose Cassie to that blood-Traitor, I couldn't live with myself. I walk over to Cassie and hear the words that break me.

"Cassie Lanning, will you go to Hogsmeade with me?" He said giving out a sigh.

Cassie's POV

Oh my gosh...George Weasley likes me? That's unusual. I mean we're 2 years apart. I guess that's not really weird for some people but he's still two years older than me.

"George I'm-," his face lit up till Draco walked up behind him.

"Sorry weasel," he looked pissed but tried to keep his smirk,"she's my girlfriend and she'll be going to Hogsmeade with me and not you."

Girlfriend? Last time I checked we were just going on a date. Not that I'm complaining though.

"If your her girlfriend then why don't you prove it?" George glared a Draco.

"Don't go crying to your mummy then weasel," Draco grabbed my wrist and kissed me. (Ok someone pls draw that)

This wasn't just a kiss on the cheek I'm talking lip to lip contact. I feel bad for George though. Don't get me wrong I like that Draco kissed me but it hurt when I saw George's face.

Like 2 seconds after he broke away George glanced at me then walked away. Then I looked at Draco's smirk of victory and dragged him by his wrist into an empty corridor.

"I could've handled that myself you know," I glared at him.

"Well then what was I supposed to do?" His smirk faded, "watch him ask you out."

"I was gonna reject him even if you did just stand there," I raised my voice a little, "but since you had to step in he definitely hates me now."

"Why would you care if he hates you or not," Draco looked jealous.

I sigh not in the mood to argue, "Draco, he's my friend," I looked at the ground, "and unlike you I actually care about my friends!"

Draco's POV

"What makes you think I don't care about my friends?" She looked at me like I was stupid then speed walked away.

"Cassie?" Great job Draco! Now you've lost the one girl you've ever loved all because of jealously!

I wanted catch up to her and apologize but she was already gone. God why am I so stupid! Maybe if I didn't follow her in the first place like a damn stalker she wouldn't be mad.

After a minute or so of just standing there thinking of what I had done I felt a tap on my shoulder, then I turned around to see Tayler.

"What're doing just standing here?"
She didn't look concerned or anything in fact she looked like she was about to breakdown laughing.

"I'm just t-thinking," I really didn't have any other excuse then to tell the truth.

"You sure?" Now she kinda looked concerned, "cuz you look shook."

"That's one way to describe it," I look down not wanting her to see my eyes watering up.

"Ok then you can tell me what's wrong," She has the look on her face that just screams lust for drama,"Or I can ask Cassie what happened."

How did she know this was about Cassie? Well never mind that now, "alright fine."

"HAHA YESSS!" She really does have a great talent at taking the serious out of conversations.

"George Weasley was asking Cassie out to Hogsmeade then I got jealous and butted in," I still couldn't look Tayler in the eyes, "now Cassie is mad at me and she thinks Weasley hates her."

"First you should apologize to Cassie," she said the obvious.

"But that can wait," she started walking and I took the message to follow her, "right now I need you to help me sneak into the kitchen to raid it for snacks."

Well I shouldn't expect her to comfort me or anything, "sure, not like I have anything else to do." I slouched.

"YESSS," she celebrated. God this day it all over the place! First, I ask Cassie out and she accepted. Next, I let jealously get the best of me. Now,I'm sneaking into the kitchen with my best friend. I would say my life is dramatic but it's not as bad as Pottah's.

739 words

This chapter is shorter than the others but it's dramatic.

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