Chapter 3

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Camping. Camping is sleeping outside, killing animals, starting fires, and being an all out asshole. I was at Mr. Reliable's camp site when he was getting ready to leave before nightfall. He wanted to rush to Sleeping Beauty's side so that he could fuck her. I couldn't let that happen. It was too important to keep her pure.

I watched him kick dirt on the fire he promised his dad he would take care of. He was doing a shitty job. Forest fire. I felt the idea hit me like a sack of bricks. I watched him for a while. He did things like fucking masturbate and eat whatever his dad had left before he had gone home to get ready for work. I was so lucky that he had an emergency at the office. Someone had taken all his files and shredded them. Of course he had to leave so he could recover everything that was lost. How else would he be able to bring home the bacon?

Mr. Reliable walked around shoving jerky into his face. It was gross. He was gross. He was sweaty and smelt like shit. I looked over to my side, a snake three feet away from me sat watching its prey. A mouse hopped by and the snake got ready to strike. He curled back with his mouth wide open. As the little mouse got closer he pulled back further and further until he was almost to the snake then without warning the snake jumped forward. His fangs sunk into the body of the little rodent. I looked back up at the human sized mouse I was hunting. He was pacing around looking at his phone. He didn't have any servus out here so what was he doing? I was trying to decide if it was worth it to kill him now or wait when I noticed it. The screen of his phone was confide. An app I was well acquainted with. An app that encrypted your messages and made them disappear was a huge help for people who were in my situation but him. I wasn't sure why. Was he just paranoid or was he using it to get away with after school activities?

His face started to turn red, "For an app that suppose to be used with out internet it sure does need fucking internet," He threw his phone. It crashed into a tree. What? Why did he need something like that?

He walked over to the phone and picked it up. "Fuck," He groaned as he looked at the completely shattered phone he so delicately broke. This was my moment I thought as the snake digested the mouse next to me.

I picked up the ax I had brought with me after I spent all night sharpening it. I felt my feet move on their own, everything in this moment was done out of pure instinct I knew that. I wasn't thinking about what would be less messy and what would be easier to clean up, hide a body. I was going to let the fire eat everything. I plunged the ax into his back with a hard thud sound. He pulled away and turned to face me, dropping the phone on the ground beside him and letting out an ear piercing scream that could have been heard for miles.

Blood was pouring out his back and the corner of his mouth as he reached his hand behind him to feel the wet spot on his shirt. His eyebrows furrowed together and he tried to hit me pulling his fist as far back as he could. He was in fight or flight and a little boy like him would always choose to fight. There was a problem with this choice though. He was bleeding out and I was perfectly fine.

"You deserve this. Lily needs more than a half baked boy trying to be a man." I kept my voice down incase of any other campers nearby although the scream out had attracted them and no one came with angry faces, torches, and pitchforks yet.

He didn't say anything back he just tried to hit me again only this time he fell on the ground as I swung the ax into his side. He let out a huff sound like he was out of air as I pulled it out and lifted it over my head, with all my might I let it fall down and hit him in his back again. This time it was deeper. I could feel it restist to come out. I yanked on it hard and it pulled out with a pop wet gushy sound. I pressed my lips together. I watched blood trailing out from him and onto the ground. He would be dead soon. I didn't want this to be over yet. I didn't even get to enjoy this yet. I plunged my ax in and out of him so many times I had blood everywhere. The tip of my head to the bottom of my shoes. I took a breath.

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