Chapter 12

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It had been a month of nothing but us. For once in my life there was no killing people or stalking because now I had no reason. She was always with me no matter what and when we were apart she would text me the whole time. I had nothing to worry about. I had no idea it would be this easy to train her into being what I wanted and needed. I took a deep breath as I looked up at her. She was getting ready to leave the house with some friends tonight but she was begging me to go with her.

She had stopped asking an hour ago and now she was using other things against me. Slowly her dress got tighter and shorter. I didn't like it, I didn't like that she was leaving my side looking like that. I watched as she leaned over to put on lip gloss for the third time. I readjusted how I was sitting as she looked over her shoulder at me. Her hair was down and straightened unlike how she normally had it. Normally it was up and a mess of waves and curls, I loved her hair. I liked how long she kept it, and how it was always silky and smooth while being crazy all at the same time.

She walked over to me and sat down on the sofa. "You really don't want to come?" She smiled and kissed me softly square on my mouth.

I smiled at her, "I don't know," I let out a small laugh, "Maybe if you convinced me I would."

"Is that a challenge?" She giggled and kissed me again, "If it is then I accept." She kissed me again. She did this a lot, it was as if she couldn't kiss me enough so she would rapidly kiss me until it got out of her system for now. It was one of my favorite things she did. It made me feel like all she wanted was to be that much closer to me.

I knew it had to be at least partly in my head but I tried to pretend that it wasn't. She looked over at me again and within one smooth movement she was on top of me. Her lips were pressed against mine and her hands were in my hair. I felt butterflies take over my whole body as her body pressed against mine. She was always like this. She always wanted to kiss and always wanted her tongue in my mouth. I thought of it as a claiming thing almost like her version of a collar or sign that said 'He belongs to me.'

"Fine," I said as she pulled away from her only for her to pull me right back to her mouth. I shut my eyes and kissed her for only a few more seconds but it felt like months of my life had just passed me by.

I pulled away and she was wearing something different. She was in a cropped shirt and baggy jeans. She was holding her hand out above us as she laid across my lap.

"A ring would look so pretty ya know," She giggled as she bit her lip. I smiled down at her.

"Maybe that's something I'm thinking about Goldie," I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She smiled and sat up with a deep breath, "There is something I wanted to talk to you about," I watched her face change slightly as she looked up at me.

"Okay," My voice trailed off.

"I'm not sure how to start this but," She looked like she was going to cry, " — I'm pregnant." Her voice shattered into a million pieces. I wasn't sure if I was worried or overjoyed by hearing her say those words. My mouth fell open unable to voice what I was feeling so instead of trying to tell her I felt myself plant my mouth on hers.

"You're okay with this?" She pulled away from me.

I watched her face change again, it looked calmer now, "I mean is it mine?" I laughed knowing that it is.

"Duh," She cleaned her face with her sleeve then curled back into my lap, "I thought you were going to be mad at me."

"I'd never be mad at something that took both of us to make," I kissed her again. I couldn't help it, there was an uncontrollable feeling of hope that made me feel almost nauseous.

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