Chapter 6

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Im horrible for not updating since forever but here yall go!!


Ymir slowly rose from her bed and yawned while rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it...?" the freckled girl asked, stroking her neck

"Just get up already" Annie rolled her eyes then made her way to the bathroom that was down the corridor

Ymir flipped the covers right of her body but she was only wearing her creme colored, long sleeve shirt and a black underwear but didn't give a damn.

"Ugh where are you An..." said the brunette, not even bothering to complete her question.

The tall girl went to go find the blond, but as she walked out of her room and into the hallway, she crashed into a tall boy.

"Oh My God, Ymir!!!" Bertholdt couldn't believe the sight he saw right before him and how his crush was dressed, it brought him to a spewing nosebleed.

"Geez, calm down bert!" she lightly yelled at the boy who was attempting to soak up all the blood with his shirt

"Im sorry, I gotta go." the green eyed male raced out of ymirs vision like a bullet with sweat all over him

"What a mess he is" the tan girl said in a voice of disappointment "Its sort of cute..."

"Oh there you are Ymir" Annie came out of the shadows of the pitch black hallway "And what's that red stuff on your shirt?"

"It's nothing, just a guy name bertl saw me, that's all." she explained while looking at the red stain on her sweater

"Ok then. You should get dressed, we're going out in 15 minutes. Thats when Armin and Christa go out on there little date" Annie gave a face of disgust on the last sentence of her statement


Sooner or later, the girls were all ready to go and going over their plan to mess up the two blonds date.

Annie's POV

I looked over at Ymir with a respected nod as we neared Armin and that fake troll Christa. They were sitting at a table together, sharing a loaf of bread.

"Im so close to kicking her ass right now" I quietly snapped at my words, clenching my fist.

"Chill Annie, stick to the plan" Ymir put her hand on my shoulder to cool me down

I heavily exhaled to her order. I had the urged to turn into a titan this instance and CRUSH Christas doll face a million times but I couldn't. I respired once more and pulled myself into one.

"Ok then, let's do it" I finally spoke

End of Annie's POV

Ymir and Annie followed Christa and Armin out into the village where they visited the small shops of jewelry and clothing. They both seemed to enjoy spending time together but the spying girls shredded their teeth towards them, hating on how happy they looked.

"Ok Annie, go undo the screws of the 3 barrels up there so that can roll down the stone stairs and split up the two, just like the plan" Ymir speedily said which made Annie's head spin a bit.

Then the plan went into action when the bolts were unscrewed by Annie's talented fingers and the barrels filled with beer, galloped down the endless hill of stairs

"Yes" the white and tan girls whispered in unison when it headed directly at the pair but they didn't seem to notice the hazardous wooden cans until finally Christa spotted them out of the corner of her eye and pushed Armin along with herself out of the way, landing specifically on his cheat

"Are you ok?" the cute little blond asked Armin, putting her soft palms under his head

"Yeah, I'm ok Christa. Thank you" a sweet smile spread across the blue eyed boys lips

"NO!" ymir and Annie harshly yelled, startling the man next to them

"Sorry Sir" Ymir quickly apologized to the scared looking man

"What's the next plan" Annie asked her companion next to her

"Oh it's going to be good" Ymir rubbed her hands back and forth, creating heat. "Lets just say it has to with a snake" she smirked

Bursting with envy (aruani/Armin x Christa)Where stories live. Discover now