Chapter 4- The troublesome trio vs girl power part 2

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"Food colourig dye?" Ruby asks reading down the list of things we will need to pul of this prank.

"Cheek" Laura says holding it up.

"Crushed sleeping pills?" Ruby asks..

"Here" Mel says holding up the container.

"And i made popcorn to put the sleeping powder on." Kim says beating Ruby to the next item.

"Temporary hair dye?" Ruby asks.

"Here. I got orange." I say smileing. Orange is the colour my brother hates most.

"Permanent marker? oh wait, i got that" Ruby says throwing it on the pile.

"Face staining makeup and nailpolish?" Ruby asks.

"Here." says Mel.

"We got bright pink." Kim Adds.

"Lots of girly clothes?" Ruby says smileing at the idea of the boys wearing thoose.

A chorous of heres and cheeks echo around the room.

"And now to put the plan in action." Laura says smiling evily.


"Boys we've got popcorn with iceing sugar." i yell knowing its their favourite treat.

I hear footsteps on the stairs and the boys run down in search of food. I made to bowls of popcorn, a pink one and a blue one. Us girls pretend to be eating from the pink one and avoiding the blue one. Zac seems to catch on.

"As if im falling for that Sydney." He says laughing at me and then he and his friends take the pink bowl up to Zacs bedroom.

The girls and i are then left with the bowl of safe to eat popcorn. We each eat a little bit of popcorn and watch a bit of a movie for half an hour while the drugs start to take effect. After about half an hour no more sound comes from the top story of the house.

"Comence operation 'school photo savatage'" Ruby says pretending to be a spy.

We all creep up the stairs carrying the equipment we will need. We stealthaly open the door to find that the boys are fast asleep and its only 10pm.

We start with Zac first. We get some blue food colouring and wipe it generously on his face staiing it blue. We then applie generous amounts of bright pink makeup and nail polish. We use red marker instead od blush making red circes on his bluish cheeks. We put the dye in his hair. We also replace all the clothes in his clauset with girls clothes.

We do the same with Tim and Anthony. In the end we have a group of weird blue, pink and red creatures who will be very angry when they wake up.

We take all boys clothes out of the house and shove them in the pool under the pool cover. Good luck to them finding their clothes now i think.

We decide that its not safe to stay aroung here and wait for the boys reactions. We set up out phones and Cameras around the house to get the reaction on video. We then make a wireless conection so we can record the video and veiw it from my laptop.

It turns out Becky is really good with computers and hacking so we get the job done rather fast.

We soon leave the house and head of to laura's house. Laura was all to keen at having all of us stay the night. We all drive in our seperate cars following Laura the whole way their.

When we arive we all go straight up to lauras room to set up. We all make our beds and get ready to sleep. We create a scheduale. We each have a  hour shift to keep watch on the screens. If one of the boys wake up we have to wake everyone up to watch. We keep the vido recording all night but we will cut it shorter later.

I get the 6:00 shift, the second to last shift. Mel wakes me up and tells me its my turn. I grumble a bit but get up anyway not wanting to miss the action. I watch the screen for a while. Nothing happens.

After about an half an hour i start to stare at anthony. How is it the he looks so good even when hes coverd in blue, pink and red? I stare at the screen for a while just thinking not registureing whats happening. And then when im about to wake up Becky for her shift, Anthony starts to move. Of course hes an early riser ,unlike Zac, hes really serious about his football future. I'd forgotten about Anthonys morning runs.

"Wake Up" A scream happily while i shake everyone to life. I hear a few groans.

"Anthonys waking up" I say getting everybodys attension.

Anthony dosent see the discolouration in the dark. He goes over to his bag and pulls out someworkout gear. He dosent notice that is actually pink because of the lack of light.

Anthony starts getting changed obviously to distracted to notice the slight difference in size between his gear and the stuff we gave him. I turn aroung when he starts to pull of his shirt. A slight bush creeping onto my cheeks.

"That is one fine hunk of man." Ruby says shamelessly staring at the computer screen.

"That is my hunk of man" Becky says glaring at Ruby.

"Wh...What?" I choocke.

"You and Anthony?" I ask in estonishment.

"We've been going out for three weeks she says in a 'Dah', sassy tone.

"Good for you." i say, a slight tone of jeaousy seeping into my voice.

An awkward silance hangs over us for a few minites. I see the twins exchance glances.

"Hey, anthonys gone out into the kitchen and Zacs starting to wake up" Mel says pointing to the differnt bits of camera footage.

Zac gets up and puts on what looks black but is actually purple hoodie and some pink skinney jeans i found. He dosent noice the colour in the bad light. Zac walks out into the kitchen and grabs himself some milk. Anthony comes up behind him, not seeing his face.

"Dude, what are you wearing?" Anthony asks looking at Zac.

Zac looks up at anthony is surprise.

"Seriously Zac, you been keeping this from me for years?" Anthony asks and then They each notice each others faces.

"What is up with your face man. You using face masks and beuaty stuff? cause i heard it dosent work." Zac says stareing at Anthony.

Zac then notices Anthonys clothes.

"Dude, do you work out in that everyday? Cause you look like a fag!!!" Zac says gulitlessly.

"Dude somethings not right." Anthony says. They look at each other with worried looks and then rush up the stairs to find Tim. Tim stands infrount of the mirror in the bathroom trying to scrub of the dye. Tim is wearing a barbie girl teashirt and some orange and purple leggings.

When zac looks in the mirror he screams.


"DUDE, ITS FRIKKING SCHOOL PHOTOS TODAY AND WE CANT WAG. THE PRINCIPLE SIAD WE WOULD GET SUSPENDED IF WE WAGGED SCHOOL AGAIN." Anthony yells, knowing that if he gets suspended they will all get kicked of the football team.

"HOW AM I GOING TO KEEP UP MY REPUTATION GOING TO SCHOOL LIKE THIS?" Tim asked woriied about himself, as always.

"Well...we should go get changed and then wash this stuff of before we go to school" Zac says trying to be rational.

"DUDE, ITS 8:20!!! WE HAVE TO BE AT SCHOOL IN 20 MINITES and its a five minite walk." Anthony yells looking at his watch.

The boys all run over to the wardrobe to change cloths but all the clothes are pink, purple or orange in girly designs. They each choose coloured jeans and a hoodie. They go into the bathroom and try to clean the makeup of their faces but its dosent work.

With no other choice the boys head of to school with their heads down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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