Chapter Three- the troublesome trio vs girl power-part 1

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"when were you going to tell me about your little expedition at the boys high school?" Ruby asks demandingly.

"Um....lets see.... hopefully never." I say dropping my head low and trying to avoid the stares of other girls sitting around at the neighboring tables.

"Have you seen how many hits that video got on youtube? You're practically a celebrity." Ruby exclaims excitedly.

"Ruby, i'm trying to avoid attention, not attract it." I say whisper yelling at her.

"Well you're just going to have to put that on hold. We have to prank him back." Ruby says excitedly.

"but we cant do it alone. We need help. Wait here." Ruby says getting up and scurrying over to a nearby table. She briefly converses with the occupants before returning with four girls in tow.

"Hi im Mel, and this is my twin sister kim." A short girl with long blonde hair says as she gives me a hug.

"Hey, Im becky." A girl with coal black hair and a multitude of piercings introduces herself.

"And i'm Laura. Its lovely to meet you." the fourth girl chimes.

"Ah... Hi?" I stutter. These girls are willing to help me get revenge? We might actually be able to pull this of.

"So whats the plan?" mel asks seeming over confidant.

"Well, i ah.... was hoping you guys could help with that." i say trying to think of a suitable plan.

"Well i hear that the boys have school photos on thursday next week, it would be ashame to have a messed up face and hair on that day." Kim says seeming innocent.

"It would, wouldnt it...." Mel says agreeing with her sister.

"I think Anthony and Tim, Zac's best friends are staying over on wednesday night. That might just work out perfectly." I say, an air of excitement rising in the group.

"Slumber party" Laura calls out smiling and jumping up and down.

"Yay" Becky says, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"Come on Beck, it'll be fun." Ruby says insistently.

"Beck, if you don't come then we will tell everyone your real name..." Mel says.

"Yeah, Rebeka is only your middle name, you wouldn't want everyone knowing that your name is really anasta....." Kim starts but is interrupted by Becky.

"Ok, i'll go!!!" Becky whisper shouts.

"But if you ever bring up my name again.....uh.....There will be consequences." Becky says threateningly.

"Anastasia? Thats your name?" I say cracking up laughing. This big tough girl who could knock someone out with one punch has such a girly name.

Becky gave me a glare so fierce i immediately stopped laughing. When they see my reaction everyone bursts into laughter. Even Becky smiles.

"so, lets get planning." Ruby says excitedly.


I'm at home sitting on the couch. Beside me sits Ruby and laura watching The Proposal on my TV. the doorbell rings, knowing its one of the girls, i get up and head toward the door.

"Hey" Mel and Kim scream at the same time.

"We bought chocolate" Kim Says.

"and Movies." Mel Yells excitedly.

"KEEP IT DOWN!!!" Zac yells from his bedroom.

"WHAT?" I yell even louder just to annoy him.

"Did you say be louder?" Laura yells joining in on our game.

"SHUT UP!!!" Tim yells. Obviously getting annoyed. Tim Hathaway is not the type of guy you wanna mess with. Bad boy to the bone. And one of my brothers best friends since kindergarten, He is the one that taught Zac how to prank.

When Tim yells out all the girls go quiet for a few minutes. Tim was not someone we wanted to crash our sleepover. We stay silent for a few minutes. Only interrupted by the sound of the door bell. I realise a breath i didn't know i was holding. Hes not going to do anything to us.Yet.

I open the door, hoping that Becky had arrived.

"well its about time you....Anthony?" I say in astonishment.

"I thought you were already up there with Tim and Zac." I say a flush of red reaching my cheeks.

"Yeah well i got held up..." He says. I then notice the red mark on his neck and a dark colourd lipstick stain on the corner of his lip.

"Well i can see that..." i say gesturing to the mark on his neck. I feel something drop within me. Wait. Do i like him? NO, No, NO, I can like him. Hes been my rival for years. Bad self! No liking obviously taken guys.

I let Anthony walk past me and I head back over to the couch. Only a minute or two after i've sat down the doorbell rings again. I head over to the door and find a very unhappy looking Becky.

"Hey Beck!" i hear Laura call out from behind me.

"What took you so long?" Ruby asked looking angry

"I got held up..." Becky says.

"Now where have i heard that before?" i mumble to myself as Becky pushes past me.

"Yay, we're all here" Laura squeals happily.

"We have a few hours to spare. What do you want to do?" Kim asks, warily looking at mel.

"Make Over!!!!" Mel yells excitedly. Becky, Kim and I all groan.

"Come on it'll be fun." Ruby yells.

"Lets show them boys what we got!!!!" Mel Smiles happily and winks at her twin.

"Come on, Girl power vs the troublesome trio." Laura yells getting into the idea.

'Ok" I say eventually giving up.

"Lets make you pretty for anthony." Ruby says giving me a wink.

"Wh.. What?" I stutter.

"We saw the way you look at him." Kim says giving me an evil smile.

"You like him." Mel says simply.

"I do not!!!" I say like a five year old.

"Do too!!!" The twins say in unison.

"Do Not!!!" I say.

"Do too!!!" Kim Yells.

"Do not" I say.

"Do not" Mel says deviously.

"Do Too!!!" I scream

"Knew it!!!" They say in unison.

"SHUT UP" Anthony yells from up stairs.

At this everyone starts laughing except Becky who gives me a small glare. The twins exchange knowing looks and each give me a playful wink.

"Let just get this over with." Becky says exasperatedly.

"Lets do this thing." Laura yells.

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