Chapter Five: Breaking Ice

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Papyrus squinted at the lamp, dark sockets narrowing in suspicion. He leaned forward, careful not to throw Frisk off balance. "WAIT...WHAT'S BEHIND THAT CONSPICUOUSLY-SHAPED LAMP?"

Cover. Blown.

Sans winced, his shoulders tensing—as if his body needed more tension. "uh, i don't know." In all honesty, he was too afraid to look back.

Almost immediately he straightened, frown shifting to an innocent grin. "OH! IT WAS JUST A SHIFTING SNOWDRIFT. NEVER MIND! FALSE ALARM."

Sans's gaze shifted to Frisk, who smiled nervously, clenching their hands. Some nervous habits they seemed to pick up from him, both of which he was displaying now, with the addition of unflattering amounts of sweat. "heh heh heh. of course, bro."

Usually he was so calm about lying! Why was he freaking out now, of all times?

And of course, his brain decided to activate the worst possible coping mechanism for the situation: humor.

"so, uh...uhm..."


By now, his skull was probably 75% covered with salty regret. "i...uh...wh-what do you call a three-humped camel?"

Papyrus sighed, once joyful expression instantly falling into disappointment. "WHAT?"

Pause for dramatic effect.


Before his brother could even start his usual Scream of Complete and Total Exasperation, Y/N burst into riotous laughter.

Everyone froze except her. While they mimicked statues, she was busy breaking her ribs from how hard she was laughing. She slammed her fist into the snow a couple times, using the heel of her hand to push tears away from her eyes. "That was a new one! Oh, God, I'm going to die."


It was only then that the situation seemed to hit her, and Y/N froze too. Half leaning out from the path of the lamp's protection, cheeks flushed from frostbite and happiness, hair mussed with a strand or two stuck to her cheek from getting in her mouth, eyes wide.

Faintly, she managed to answer his question, pulling at those annoying pieces of hair. "Um...I, uh...don't think death is in my near future, so you...y-you don't have to, um, worry about that."

Awkward silence. Her hands were getting cold in the snow.

"WAIT A SECOND!" Papyrus announced out of nowhere, causing everyone in earshot to wince. "YOU'RE A HUMAN!"

She pursed her lips. "That's...correct."

He pointed a singular gloved finger in her direction, an action that was surprisingly intimidating, coming from a sweet individual like him. "AND I'M SUPPOSED TO CAPTURE YOU!"

Y/N tilted her head to the side, letting her hair fall with her. "That sounds a bit concerning."


His tone was assuring, the words not so much.

"Doesn't really make it better?"

Papyrus was quiet for a long moment, so concentrated in thought that he resembled Y/N at twice her usual attention span. "...MAY I PLEASE CAPTURE YOU, HUMAN?"

Y/N paused. "Well, I mean...since you asked so nicely—"

"NYEH-HEH-HEH!" Papyrus threw his head back, almost butting it into Frisk's stomach. "EXCELLENT! THIS WILL BE MY SECOND CAPTURE! WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR A LONG TIME FOR ANOTHER HUMAN!"

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