Chapter Six: Painful Dreams, Comforting Food

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(This chapter is brought to you by 90% revitalization from MissRooster and their wonderful comments, 5% energy and excitement spurred by a completely different fandom, and 5% self-loathing. Please enjoy! —a sheepish and apologetic Lunar)

Y/N stood alone.

Like usual.

Snow billowed around her, a blizzard in the making. Wind nipped at her cheeks, froze her lips blue, and numbed her fingertips. She didn't think she had ever been so cold. The chill she had was breaking over her. Her hoodie was of no help, and now she noticed that she wasn't wearing it. She just had her plain white t-shirt.

Far in the distance—or maybe it just seemed like it with the howl of the wind?—trees of pine shook, needles chattering with their own complaints.


Her yell was lost to the hurricane of snow.


No response.

She really was alone.

Y/N might have cried then, but she knew that any tears she shed would only warm her cheeks for moments before they would glue to her face, becoming frozen reminders of her sorrow.

So instead she dropped to the ground, huddling her body into a ball. The better to conserve heat, or so she had read off the Internet one time. Her arms almost had a thin layer of ice covering them, crackling as she moved and her heart beat.

For once, her hope was draining from her. She usually had all the hope to give—she loved life (at least some of the time). She wanted the rest of the world to have it, too. But now, amidst only the feelings of cold, it trickled away, bleeding out of her, almost like blood soaking the white to red.



"Mom?" she shouted back into the wind, pushing up to her knees, then teetering on frozen feet. Frostbite would take her limbs, but the cold could not take her voice. "Mom, I'm here! I'm here!"

The snow spoke back to her—softly, but she could still hear it. "Y/N, baby, where are you? I can't see you!"

There was no question. That was her mother's voice.



Y/N outstretched her arms, reaching forward and grasping only snowflakes. "Don't move, Mom! I'll come to you!"

"Okay, baby, I'll stay right here!"

The stinging prickle of winter forced her forward. Desperation clung to her like the snow crystals blanketing her hair and the flecks of ice growing on her eyelids. Exposed to the elements like this, she wouldn't last long. But her DETERMINATION burned bright as a beacon, shining through the storm.

"Mom?" she called out once again, unwillingly swallowing a gust of frigid air and frozen dust as she did so.

This time, the wind did not call back.

"Mom?!" This time her voice was a scream.

No answer.

Y/N collapsed back to her knees. She had wasted precious time and energy searching for ghosts. Her mother wasn't coming back for her.  She would never. She broke the promise—the promise to always come back for her, no matter what.

It was only then that she began to cry. Over the years she had perfected the art of silent tears. The remnants would still be there, plain to see, frozen to her face. Yet even if the wind dissipated, no one would hear her.

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