Chapter Seven: What Lies Between Darkness and Light?

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"I'm not sleeping in your bed again! It's your turn!"

"i slept in it last night. your turn."

"How about you sleep in it tonight, and I sleep in it twice in a row?"

"hmm. your offer is good...but pass."

"No! Come on, please!"

"nope. you go in the bed."

"I'm sleeping on the damn couch!"

"lady, i'm the one with teleportation and telekinesis. you're sleeping on the damn bed."

Y/N crossed her arms, glowering from her position on the bed, cross-legged and leaning against her wall. "I hate you."

Sans shrugged from the other side of the room, leaning against his wall. "okay."

Her shoulders sagged, and she hung her head in shame. "I don't hate you."

Sans's grin turned sly. "i know. i figured you just needed to get your anger out."

"Never mind. Maybe I do hate you."

"sure. that'll last five seconds."

"I mean it this time. I'm hating you forever."

"three seconds."

Y/N pointed to the door. "Get out of my room."

"it's my room, and one second left."

"Leave!" she screeched as quietly as she could (with the late hour), launching the pillow at him, which he dodged with a quick shortcut and a laugh.

Still, he obeyed, stepping over the pillow and strolling to the door and opening it. He looked over at her and winked. "g'night, y/n. sleep tight."

He shut the door behind him softly, leaving her alone with the darkness. He had won the bedtime argument today, it seemed.

Peace came upon her. A light like moonlight streamed through the back window as she looked through it—Sans had told her it was new, as the three had needed to renovate to add a bathroom, and Frisk insisted on more windows everywhere to supposedly open up the space. But the light it provided was well worth the effort, at least in her opinion. It was quite heavenly.

Y/N huffed as she looked down across the room at the pillow, laying innocently on the floor. "Stupid skeleton," she grumbled. "Making me pick up my own stupid pillow."

Reluctantly, she scooted off the bed and swiped it up, hugging it to her body as she turned back and sent another glance around. In the few days she had been there, Sans had surprisingly made an effort to clean the place. The tornado had been dismissed entirely, trash had been picked up and thrown away, and a simplistic dresser had been shoved in the corner for clothes for her. (Thankfully, the inn keeper had had lots of different options in her size.) Overall, it had been a drastic change, at least in comparison to what Frisk had described it as before. Before, it had been a mess. Now, it could feasibly be a person's room.

She let herself fall face-first into the mattress, then heaved her legs up, sliding under the comforter. Pillow finally under her head and annoying skeleton evicted, she could sleep. With a sigh, she closed her eyes...

...only to open them again.

With a frustrated groan, she turned on her side. Of all times for insomnia to strike.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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