Chapter Twenty

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- Cassie -
I sat up from the table.

"W-wait are you serious?.."

She nodded her head. "Congrats." she smiled.

I hopped down from the table and ran out the door, and into Dean's arms. Happy tears gathered up in my eyes, he thought I was actually crying.

"Cassie! Is something wrong? What happened is the baby okay?!" He stood up quickly and held on to me.

"T-the baby.. It's a girl!" I said. He looked at me, for a long hard time. I thought he was mad..

"Oh.. My god. Cassie were having a girl.. Cas a baby girl." He smiled brightly sparkly his pearly whites.

"Dean I know!" I yelled a little to loudly, and everyone turned to me. Dean grabbed everything and dragged me to the car.

"Cassie.. t-this is incredible.. I can't believe this.." He whispered.

"I know neither can I.."

"No this, I really can't believe we've made it this far.. Me and you. Remember us before?"

"Dean I know. Look at us now," I whispered and looked down at my pumpkin of a stomach. "I'm pregnant with your baby.."

"Our baby." He said and placed his soft, sweet lips against mine.


I soon as we got home, I told my mom and she was overjoyed.

"Oh Cassie, that's wonderful!" She hugged me, the door bell rang and Cole and Madi walked in.

Madi jumped up and down when I told her it was a girl and Cole handed her 10 bucks because she won the bet.

"Omg she's going to have the best fashion style ever Cas, don't even worry about it." she smiled.

I walked over and hugged Cole. "Hello soon to be uncle Cole." I felt his cheeks rise up knowing that he smiled made me smile.

"Congrats Cas." he said.

"Thank you.."

- one week later -

The beautiful sunshine shined brightly in my eyes, I groaned and rolled over. Last night I couldn't sleep and had asked Dean to come over. He didn't hesitate, came over and joined me. I fell asleep on his chest feeling his breathing on my head.

As I rolled over, the space next to me was empty and I frowned. I sat up, and walked to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror.

"Oh shit.. Look at you ugly." I whispered to myself, washed my face and put my hair in a messy bun. Why were the windows open anyway? I glanced outside, moms car, Deans car.. Coles car? Why was Cole here. Ugh I don't care.

I put a sweatshirt on and walked downstairs. The scent of strawberry waffles in the air filled my nose and made my stomach growl.

The table was decorated with baby colors and a small vase filled with flowers in the middle.

I yawned. "Whats all this?" I asked. Everyone was here, mom, dean, madi, and cole.

"Happy birthday!" They yelled.

"Awe oh right guys! You guys are adorable."

Mom kissed my cheek and smiled. Dean kissed me and pulled the chair out for me.

"Anything and everything you want." Madi said.

Mom put a huge stack of strawberry waffles on my plate and poured syrup on. Dean looked at me, "Baby, want a bite?" I asked

He laughed slightly and walked over to me. "No thank you babe." And kissed the back of my neck teasingly, I got the chills and giggled. I ate some waffles and I felt a trickle of water, run down my leg.

"What the hell is this.." I said and stood up, a water fall of water gushed down my legs. "Uhh..." I sat back down.

"Cassie what's wrong?" Dean asked.

I stood up again and more water gushed down.

"D-Dean I think my water just b-broke.."

- at the hospital -

I held deans hand, "b-baby.. I'm.. Scared.." I cried.

"Cassie I know," he squeezed back. "just know I'm here the whole time, just breath in and out, okay?"

"Okay Cassandra, on the count of three push okay?" The doctors voiced was muffled under her face mask but I hear and held Dean tightly.

"Okay ready? One.. Two.. Three!"

I did what she said and pushed, "keep going, a couple more! I see a head!" She said.

I kept pushing and pushing until half of her body was out, "One more big push Cas. Almost done baby." Dean said and wiped the hair out of my face.

"I can't!" I screamed and squeezed harder.

"You can, try."

I pushed one last time and then I heard crying. Dean left his mouth open as the doctor held the naked baby up and carried her into a room.

I cried, "w-where I-is s-she..." I whispered. Dean kissed me hard on the lips. Then he followed the doctor, pulling out his camera. I could hear his whispers to calm our baby down, 'hi baby.. it's you're Daddy.. mommy almost past out having you..' that made me smile.

The doctor came in. "c-can I please see her?.." She nodded and brought out a bundle of pink blanket. She carefully placed it in my arm.

"Look what you brought in this twisted world baby. Something that could change that." Dean said and got down.

I smiled. she carefully opened her eyes, a mix of green and blue eyes, creating a beautiful color.

"Do you have a name for her, guys?" The nurse asked.

"No.. Not yet." Dean said.

"How about Brianna?" The nurse asked.

"That's pretty, Dean?"

"I like it."

"Brianna Pattyn?" I asked him.

"I love it." he smiled.

"That's cute." She said and walked out.

Mom, Madi, and Cole walked in. "Oh, honey," mom said. "she's beautiful." tears started forming in her eyes.

"Your father and Jack would of been so proud.." she said sniffling and Dean hugged her. Im glad he did.

"Awe she's so cute." Madi and Cole said together.

"Jinx." they both said laughing.

"Thank you.." I whispered.

My mom kisses my cheek, "I'm staying over night."

"Mom you can't do that.. go home.." I begged her.

"Fine.. I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I said and everyone left us alone.

Dean kissed me deeply, slower this time. "good job," he said leaning on my forehead.

"Thank you baby.." I stood up and put Bri in the crib and layed back down.

"Sleep with me?" I asked.

He smirked and got in.

"Happy 18th birthday Cassie.." he held my hand

I smile, and somewhat drifted off to sleep.

~ Author's Note ~
You guys make me vvv happyyyy
Secrets is over guys so Made it extraaaa long for you!
I'm currently writing the second book so check it out soon!!
Thank you so much for reading!!
- ❤️💛💚💙💜

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