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Some characters might be OC-ish since they do not interact in the show.
Some events also may not be possible but are made so for story purposes.


      Angel and I walk in silence as he leads us towards the most popular club in Hell.
      They better not have hurt her. I think before we both stop as we see the normally long line for the club not there. So they're expecting me. I think as I look towards Angel. "You can go back to the hotel. I won't need to sneak around." I state as the spider demon stops.
      "Al, Valentino's not a good guy. Hell, he's not even a decent guy." Angel states before he looks back at the door with a single bouncer. "I may hate it there but I have to help you. I have to help get (Y/n) back." He claims before starting to head for the back door. "You distract them for as long as you can and I'll get (Y/n) out."
      I watch as he quickly walks away before sneaking inside the building. At this moment, I don't know if I want to slap him or thank him. I think with a sigh before walking to the door, glaring at the bouncer as I walk inside.
     "The Radio Demon's inside now." The bouncer says into an earpiece before closing the doors behind me, sealing my fate.
      "Alastor!" A voice calls with mock friendliness as I enter into the main room with the attached bar. "Long time no see, my old friend." Vox states with his crooked grin as he stands.
      "Where is she?" I ask bluntly while looking around the room.
      "Such eagerness for one woman! How devoting of you, Al!" Valentino laughs from a table with three chairs.
     "Come sit, it's going to be a great show." Vox states while leading me over to the table.
     I hate this place. I think annoyedly before sitting across from the two chairs.
     "Bring her up girls!" Valentino calls before grabbing his water. "So Alastor, how's it been?"
     "Shut it with the friendly bullshit. What do you want?" I ask coldly, not letting my guard down.
     "Straight to business like usual." Vox says distastefully as the curtain raises for the stage. "We want to make a deal if you want your little honey back." He claims with a sneer while looking at me.
      Bastards. I think angrily as I look to them.
     "(Y/N)!" I quickly yell as I stand and turn towards the woman's voice.
      Valentino tuts quickly while a bouncer I didn't see comes up from behind me and pushes me back down in my seat. "She looks ravishing doesn't she?" He asks while gesturing to my lover with a white lingerie on.
     "Are you okay, Love?" I ask shamelessly to her as she's chained to the stage in front of a microphone.
     "I promise I'm fine. Just get the hell out of here. I'll find my way home-"
     "What do you want for me to get her back?" I ask with a glare towards them.
      "HUSH!" Vox yells with a smile. "Sing us something sweet while the men talk." He states, making the girl glare angrily before holding her hand on the stand to the mic.
       "Don't talk to her like that." I snap at him as he sits down.
       "We want all your territory and you to transfer your power to both of us." Valentino claims with a grin before pulling out a paper that's been very clearly wrote, most likely having little to no loopholes.
      Of course they do. I think as I look at them blankly as (Y/n) sings Take Me To Church by a band she told me was called Hozier, a favoriteof hers from when she was living.
       "You can have your mansion, of course, since it'll be of no use to us." Vox states while taking a sip of his drink.
        "So what'll it be Alastor? Keep all your amazing power," Valentino asks with a smirk while swirling his glad. "or give it all up just to live powerless because of your one weakness." He says while making a presenting motion towards the deer demon.
       I look between the woman I love and then the paper before me then starting to read over it.
       They both give victorious laughs before starting to chat as I read.
      I need to find a way that I can avoid this. There has to be a loophole somewhere. I think before glancing to the stage.
        (E/c) eyes meet mine before I finally see her small gesture that urging me her way.
        I give her a confused look before I stand. "Before I sign my life away can I just touch her one more time before I'm too weak to protect her?" I lie, knowing that no matter how much power they take from me I'll still fight to a second death to keep both of us safe.
        They look to each other before nodding as they prepare the pen to make sure it'll write good.
       I quickly rush to her before I pull her into a tight hug. "You're not hurt. I'm so glad that you're not hurt." I say, relieved, as I hold her face in my hands.
       "I'm so glad you're here." She says before hugging me. "I have a plan. We'll be able to keep everything. But I don't know if you'll like it." (Y/n) whispers before telling me her plan quietly, making my eyes widen at her cleverness.
      This might just work. I think before pulling away slightly.
       "So do we have a deal?"
       "Enchantress," I say while grabbing her hand and pulling her close to dull the bright (2f/c) light. "we have a deal." I say as I feel heavily drained after. "Pretend to cry as I walk away." I say to her while I turn.

~~~NO SET POV~~~

       He actually took my deal. (Y/n) thinks while falling to her knees and faking a sob, head spinning and body aching slightly.
       "Where do I sign?" Alastor asks as he wills himself not to stumble over his own two feet at feeling energy course through him.
       "Right here." Vox states while handing over the paper.
      Alastor hesitates before grabbing the pen and writing his signature on the line.
     Finally. I'll have so much more power. Vox thinks while watching.
    I can get more territory for my business. Valentino thinks with a victorious smirk.
     There she is. Angel Dust thinks as he hangs on the top of the pole behind her. She's okay. He thinks happily before starting to slowly crawl down.
    Alastor gives a small wince as a pain goes on his arm before a green and red light slowly creates an image on his right wrist.
     The three look before the deal mark of a green television and a red heart appear in his skin.
     "IT WORKED!" Vox yells before grabbing one of Alastor's hands before Valentino quickly does the same.
      "You're not getting more of his power than me!" The moth demon shouts angrily as they both drain Alastor of his power.
     Just hold on. Alastor thinks pained before he looks towards his wrist as it starts to shine a bright (2f/c).
     "What's going on?" Valentino asks while pulling down his sunglasses.
     The three watch as the previous deal mark is slowly replaced by a mark of a black deer and a (f/c) deer.
     "I would very much like it if you'd let go of Alastor."
     Oh shit. Valentino thinks as the three men turn their heads.
    (Y/n), twice her size, standing there with a heavy glare as her (e/c) eyes shine with a red aura as her true demon form finally has awoken.
     Holy shit. Angel thinks as he drops to the ground behind her scrambling to her ankle and undoing the chain.
     "Actually," (Y/n) replies before snapping her fingers, bringing said demon to be beside her. "I'll just have him back myself."
     "You tricked us!" Valentino yells angrily as he tries to use Alastor's voodoo magic but only successful creating a small tentacle that's barely flexible.
     "You messed with the wrong couple." (Y/n) snaps angrily before clenching her fist, making tentacles rise from the floor and grab the other overlords. "With this power that Alastor gave me to protect, you fools have nothing." She claims before summoning the scroll with the deal. "The minute you two tried to take his bit of power he had left, everything that you wanted still belongs to us and us alone."
        "YOU BITCH!" Vox snarls while struggling, making (Y/n) tut and tighten the hold on both.
        "Give me one reason that I shouldn't leave you all on your second deathbed?"
        "Let's just get home, (Y/n)." Alastor states, amused by the new confidence of his lover. "They can't do anything to us now."
      But I want to hurt them for even thinking of hurting you this bad. (Y/n) thinks before she sighs and releases them. "Alright." She replies before glaring at the pair while walking out holding hands with Alastor and gesturing for Angel to follow as she shrinks back down to her normal size. "Think they'll leave us alone?"
        "With your tight deal? Oh yeah."
        "Good because I'd probably try and find a way to kill them."
        "Still haven't lost your spark." Alastor remarks with a weak laugh as he hand her his overcoat to cover herself with.
        "I'm so glad you're okay!" Angel claims while staying close up behind them and hugging her as they exit the club.
        "Thought your goal was to get her out while I was the distraction?" Alastor asks while crossing his arms.
        "I was going to help but then she went all big and started to attempt second murder." The spider demon replies while shrugging a pair of his arms. "This fucking queen claimed her throne!" He gushes proudly while hugging her.
       "Thanks. Now I'm just so fucking ready to get home and into normal clothes."
       "I prefer loose clothes like that, it's comfortable."
       "That's why your old job was a stripper."
       "How rude, Al."

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