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( 1.5 )

AUGUST 13, 2021

I slowly placed my phone on the couch, my eyes not able to leave it. The notification stared at me and I stared right back.

Is this real? That can't be his real account, right?

I looked around, as if someone was hiding in the corner trying to mess with me. No one— of course, I live alone. I tapped the notification and it sent me right to my last post from the other day. I pressed the username and my eyes widened— ITS REAL!!

I stood up from the couch, holding a death grip on my phone.

"You're joking? This— how— what—?" I spoke out loud to myself. I liked talking out loud sometimes.

My heart was beating so hard in my chest I thought it would explode. I cant believe this... THE Harry Styles liked my post... MY POST.

I'm unable to function right now.

The only thing I could think about was him. The man I'm madly in love with has somehow found his way to my page and has liked a picture of mine....

Suddenly, it's been three hours since that notification popped up on my phones screen and I'm still sitting on the couch flabbergasted. So many random people started following me, commenting on my post, dm'ing me— I need to get off my phone before I go mentally insane.

I stood up from the couch, starting to walk towards my small kitchen, when my phone rings. My head turns quick, that didn't last long.

It was a transfer call from my office, if I'm not there and don't answer the phone after a few rings it transfers to my personal number.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Ms. Mitchelle?" A man replies.

"This is she," I smile happily.

"I'm calling to book a session with you— I hear your schedule is open?" He asks.

"Yes, sir, I'm completely free,"

"Great! We're looking for a part time photographer to go on tour with us. We'll pay whatever the cost,"

"Tour? I've never done something like this before," I said nervously.

"It's nothing to worry about! We'll provide all transportation, hotels, meals, and still pay you for the sessions!"

"What type of tour is this? If you don't mind me asking?" I asked.

"It's a concert tour," he replied.

"For who?" I asked excitedly.

"Harry Styles,"

My heart literally stopped for at least two seconds.

I laughed nervously, "You're joking, right?"

"No, ma'am. I'm completely serious,"

"Wait— really?"

"Yes! If you're interested, we'd love to—"

"YES! I'm interested! I'm very interested!" I stopped him mid conversation.

"Awesome! We'd love to have you come to our office and discuss everything in more detail sometime next week— is that alright?" He asked.

"Of course! Definitely!" I say smiling like an idiot.

"Cool! We'll email you a date and time sometime soon— how far are you from LA?" He asked.

"Three states," I frown. I can't afford to drive from Houston to LA and I definitely can't afford a plane ticket.

"No problem! We'll cover expenses," he said with a cheerful voice. How did he just read my mind?

"Oh, no, I—"

"Don't sweat, Ariana, we'll get it all worked up and have you here in no time. Keep an eye out for your email, I'll be messaging you later this afternoon,"

"Oh, okay— thank you!" I smiled again.

"No problem! We'll talk soon,"


Then he said goodbye and hung up.

What the hell just happened?


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