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"Mooom!!! Fredrick's in my room again!!" A girl yelled. She came out of her room, she had long golden hair with her bear ears peaking out. Her hands were slender paws as the fur stopped at her forearm. She had a little bear tail and her eyes was the brightest teal. Her name was Victoria

"I was not!!" He yelled back glaring at his sister. He looked just like her but with shorter hair and purple eyes. Twins

They were a rowdy bunch. Victoria being the oldest by ten minutes, she had a hot head on her shoulders. She got her anger from her father. She was more responsible, she gave Chris a run for his money when she was born. She was strangely quiet.

Her brother Fredrick was a-little more reserved than his sister. He always hid behind her, too shy to really do anything. But he lived to get on his sister's nerves

Chris poked his head out from the kitchen with a sigh, "What did I tell you guys about fighting?" walking from the kitchen

"Not to do it," Said another voice coming down the hall. This one was a full bear, his  fur was black with streaks of purple, his forelocks fell in front of his eyes. He had a longer tail that brushed against the floor.

The nurse screamed when she saw the baby being born and she completely ran out the room as she never seen anything like it. Chris went through postpartum depression for a few days after that, only wanting to hold his baby for comfort.

He pushed up his glasses smiling at his Mom, his tail wagging just a-little, "They do this all the time,"

His name was Grayson, Vincent's middle name and Chris thought it was fitting. He was born before the twins. Chris had Grayson when he was 16, it was a shock for him when he found out he was expecting. He put FredBear in the dog house and made him sleep on the couch for a week which Terrance found hilarious

Grayson was three years old when the twins were born making him a proud big brother. Right now Greyson is eight with the twins being just a shy of three years old. The twins are maturing fast and they are a big for their age, not at all the size of a regular two year old and they were already speaking full sentences.

It's been almost 11 years and life was great for him and FredBear. Chris glanced at the wedding picture that hung perfectly over the fire place. Chris could never get tired of looking at that picture. Chris gained a bit of baby weight after having the twins. Chris hates his small pudge on his stomach but FredBear loved to squeeze and caress it. It made Chris feel good inside

Chris was shook out of his thoughts when FredBear walked through the front door, bags in tow, "Daddy!" The twins yelled in excitement bounding over to their father hugging his legs

"Hey my little ferals," giving each of them a hug. Victoria held on a-little longer, being more attached to her father than her brother

"They've been fighting again," Chris said putting a hand on his hip. The twins looked anywhere but at their Dad

"Welp....it was nice meeting you Dad...bye!" The twins said in unison as they ran off. FredBear gave a look before glancing at Chris

"They know you won't yell at them," rolling his eyes. FredBear chuckled walking over to Chris leaning down giving him a sweet kiss

"Gross," Said Grayson glancing at his tablet starting to walk tonhis room leaving his parents behind. They chuckled

"Did anyone spot you?" Chris asked weaving his arms around FredBear's neck. They were still hiding under the radar.

They lived a two story home secluded and away from on going traffic or just people in general. Chris never liked loud noises he doesn't want the experience the annoying occurrence of neighbors. They love to be in people's business

The kids were homeschooled, they didn't want their kids to experience being judge because of what they look like but he knows one of these days they will have to experience the terrible outside world but until then they were safer at home

"No, I had Terrance go for me since no one has seen a bear who walks and talks and wears human clothes," Chris chuckled

"Speaking of spotting, there's something else I want you to spot," dragging FredBead down the hall

These 10 1/2 years has been hectic but they made it through. They had more hardships than anyone ever has but they would get through it together.


Chris heard a loud shatter through the house followed by more screaming


(Chris x FredBear) Un-Natural Love [Book #2]Where stories live. Discover now