Chapter 2 - (Jackie)

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And just as he unexpected, when he walked into the house. They were sitting there, on the couch, being loud as always. He closed the door and their chattering stopped whilst looking over in his direction. Terrence hasn't been that much of a problem since that night five years ago - nobody has been the same. You would think that things would go back how they use to be but knowing his family, it didn't. The household just got more weird and the same time more awkward

No-one can really accept the fact that a 6 foot bear was roaming around the house now. Who can function just like any other human can. They didn't expect it would be Chris's childhood plushy turned a supernatural being that could walk and talk and understand many things. His parents were skeptical and didn't want him near Chris for a couple days but they learned to get use to him and let him stay with him. His mother, quote on quote, said to his father, that just because his childhood plushy is a living breathing bear, doesn't mean that he should be taken away from him - now out of all things

The boy thanked her for that

"Take a picture it'll last longer," He said taking off his shoes setting them by the door, didn't do any good to track dirt into the house. FredBear walked past him and into the kitchen. He really needs to stop eating their frozen meat because it was getting pretty out of hand, knowing him; he won't. Chris knows he can go days without eating considering he doesn't really have much of an appetite. Chris sometimes forces him to eat so he wouldn't go feral from the lack of food. Some animals tend to do that, Chris haven't had the time to properly take him hunting - it always crosses his mind. But, he doesn't really function like a regular bear can but his animalistic instincts are still there

Like hibernating in the winter using Chris's closet, very keen on using Chris's portable heater as well as storing most of the household's snacks and is also very protective of his mate via Chris. By overall protecting him from any dangers that may cause harm

Chris once got yelled at by Terrance which Fredbear didn't take lightly. He didn't let Chris come out of his room for a week after that letting him only tend to his hygiene purposes or to get food but would hover over him as he did so. Watching him take a shower or use the bathroom creeped the hell out of Chris.

That last event was during the first week of spring (Mating season for animals) Chris made sure to shut that down real quick after Fredbear was getting a little to handsy when he was trying to do his homework

"Being sarcastic can really be annoying," Terrance replied in aggravation. He had a deep scowl on his face, his lips suppressed in a thin line.

Terrence mellowed out over the years, not rebellious when he was a teenager, now at 20 he's got a pretty decent head on his shoulders. His mother was firm with him a year after the incident. He still got into petty arguments with Vincent from time to time only ever apologizing when needed (or when Fredbear forces him to). He buries himself into his room when things get stressful. A mellow Terrance is better than a rebellious one

"You're the one to talk. I hope you're still mad that I broke your game console," Chris said chuckling at the end remembering his face turning red with anger until he landed a punch to his nose which was gushing heavily with blood. Let's just say they both fought which really escalated quickly, that got us a scolding from their Mother. It was Chris's fault anyway but at the time he didn't want to admit it

Gosh, Terrance is really rubbing off on him is he?

"You know how much that costed?" He asked with a frown etched upon his face.

The game console was a brand new Super Nintendo Entertainment System® that costed a pretty penny to buy since it was almost sold out when the console was first announced. Chris felt a-little bad after the incident and Chris did buy him another one for his birthday which costed a month of his allowance to buy but it was so worth it to see the happiness on his face when he saw the gift

Terrance couldn't stop hugging him to the point where he couldn't breath but he let him have his moment of happiness

"Whatever," He said walking past him and down the hall to his room, Chris opened his door before flopping down on his bed looking at the white ceiling with a sigh. Out of his peripheral vision; he saw FredBear walk into his room shutting the door afterwards

"You can be annoying sometimes," FredBear said before laying down beside him looking at him with his glowing orbs, "But, funny at the same time," He added before rolling on top of him, propping his elbows on both sides of his head

"You would know apparently," staring into his turquoise colored orbs; he always loved his eye color, it always mesmerized him in the most beautiful ways. His eyes are only white dotted depending on his emotions. Like that one time Iris came over and his eyes changed whilst pulling Chris close to his chest growling lowly say "Mine." because he didn't know who she was at first

Talk about possessive.

His mind began to wander when he said that. When he kissed him that day; he couldn't be with him because he was 10 years old at the time. When he was 11, he dated this boy named Jackie; he was very sweet by giving him anything he wanted, loving him unconditionally, and they always got along. He was happy with him - it felt like nothing can break them apart. They dated until Chris turned 13 because he did something he never thought he would do

He cheated on Chris

He caught him having relations with another person - a girl no less when he went to his house that day, He just left without a single word to be said, still in shock. Chris confessed his feelings to FredBear three months or so ago after the breakup. He didn't get with him out of pity - he got with him because he knew the only person who cared about him that way was right in front of him. What surprised him the most is that he was really happy. He blushed when FredBear pulled Chris close to him burying his face into his neck - marking him so to say.

He still couldn't get Jackie out of head so, Chris confronted him about it the next day and he told him he didn't know what he was talking about, he automatically didn't believe him so he walked away angry, with a broken heart, and tears lining his cheeks. To this day forward, he's still calling his phone wanting to get back together. Chris denies him every time because he's already with FredBear and he's not leaving him anytime soon. Even with FredBear close by Chris

He still cried myself to sleep that night. Because those three years meant something to Chris but, unfortunately - it didn't mean anything to Jackie.

(Chris x FredBear) Un-Natural Love [Book #2]Where stories live. Discover now