Chapter 6

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Chris opened the door to the house before shutting the door locking it afterwards. It was a very tough day at school. His math teacher was extra harsh today, she was making the lesson harder and was teaching a method above college level. They also had a food fight at lunch today - Iris being the one to start it. Probably trying to cheer Chris up; He did laugh when a slice of pizza hit her in the face covering her cheeks with the red sauce and cheese. She got detention for starting it. FredBear was sitting on the couch tapping his finger on the I-pad Chris got him two months ago. He had a confused look on his face as he kept tapping his finger on the screen, his claws making audible clicks against the screen

Chris smiled because clearly, he still doesn't know how to operate it. When Chris first gave it to him, he looked at it confusion - he thought it was similar to the device Terrance had. Chris told him that a phone and an I-pad were two different things but, still a device nonetheless

"It's funny that you keep tapping on the screen," Chris said, FredBear's gaze looked over in his direction before chuckling quietly looking back at the screen. Chris felt the bond swell with affection making him smile

"How was your day? I'm assuming it didn't go well," setting the device down beside him giving Chris his attention

"No, it didn't. When is it ever," Chris said before walking over to him sitting down leaning his head on his shoulder before kissing his furry cheek

"I'm so glad I don't have to go through that. I never have to experience "HighSchool." or whatever you call it. It seems tough,"

"Very Funny," Chris said before pecking his cheek again, "I'm gonna go change and do not follow me," turning around going down the hall going into his room noticing the scratch marks on the hallway wall. FredBear must be using the wall as a scratching post again

He swears FredBear's worst than a cat

FredBear watched his retreating figure disappear down the hall. Sometimes he does wanna follow him but he'll have his furry hide if he does. FredBear sighed leaning back staring at the ceiling pondering over their conversation a couple days ago. He said he didn't care what people thought of them but he's just scared. He really have this bad feeling that Chris's going to be taken away from him. He loves him too much to get rid of him.

FredBear noticed that Chris felt restless even though he didn't show it. He felt a sense of distraught through the bond earlier. The feeling was so sudden it made his heart hurt and his mind dizzy. Chris's emotions were up and down the whole day and it started to make FredBear wonder. What happened today? He knows Chris can hide his emotions very well but it wasn't so hidden through the bond - he feels everything. But, the distraught feeling increased tenfold making FredBear sputter. Something happened today at school but he felt like it wasn't his place to bring it up but, he had a clear mind who made him so sad. Eugh, that name still leaves a terrible taste in his mouth

He was brought out of his thoughts when he saw Chris walk into the living room, his emotions was still hidden but they were more open than before. FredBear immediately grabbed his waist pulling him on his lap nuzzling his face into his neck with a purr

"Really?" He chuckled looking down at FredBear, his forelocks tickling under his chin

"Yes, really. I've been craving your touch all day," FredBear lamented caressing his small waist. He always wondered how his waist can be so small considering he's a boy - which he's definitely going to tease him about later. All he wants to do right now is hold him and never let go until he's ready, he really loves him right now.

FredBear started to leave light kisses on his cheek hoping to get some reaction out of him. FredBear nipped his cheek, "When are going to stop doing this nipping thing?"

(Chris x FredBear) Un-Natural Love [Book #2]Where stories live. Discover now