Chapter 75

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Author POV

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Author POV

"Baby? Are you feeling okay? Do you need something? Water? Juice? Food maybe?" Skyler asked Casey restlessly. Even now that they already came home from the hospital he still feels like something bad might happen to Casey!

"Babe! I told you I'm okay, already! You didn't need to be like that." Casey laughs after hearing this. Skyler sighed deeply seeing the smiles on Casey's face. He smiles too!

He continued to help Casey sit properly on their bed, he puts a comforter on him, and proceed on sitting beside his partner. He held his hand as they look at each other so intently that through their eyes they could tell how much they love one another. Skyler held him on his cheeks.

"Are you okay, Baby? After all that you know about that Megan!" Skyler asked his partner. Casey's facial expression suddenly changes from being all smiley into something that Skyler can't read or know what it means.

"Please let's not talk about her anymore! I don't believe anything that she is saying! She is not my mother! I have one mom and her name is Isobel Chaichana and not that Megan!" Casey firmly said to his boyfriend.

"But!" Skyler was about to protest, but he saw the looks in Casey's eyes so he just sighs and decided to let go of this topic.

"Okay, baby! If that's what you want, please remember! I'm your boyfriend and I'm on your side as always! I will always follow your lead. If you want to talk about this again next time. I'm all ear!" Casey's face became happy again. He held Skyler's hands and put them on his face.

"Thank you, babe! Thank you for being by my side and always understanding my decision! I love you so much! I don't know what I would do if I don't have you! I can't deal with all of this, alone!" Skyler smiles at him.

"And I love you, too! Babe! Always!" Skyler smilingly said to him, Casey was about to lay properly on their bed, the doctor advises him to do complete bed rest for a month to secure his health and his baby. This time, Casey accepts it willingly. He was about to rest on the bed when Skyler remember something and decided to ask Casey about this topic now before it was too late.

"Babe, I don't know if you are okay if I ask you about this topic already, but I really need to ask you this! My worry thought is killing me." Casey looks at him again.

"Why, babe! What is it that you want to ask me?" Casey asked him as he goes back to seat properly on the bed.

"It's about what happened to you, babe? Can you tell me what are you doing on that highway where you are almost been run over by a car? I thought we agreed that you will not go anywhere else without telling me and without me by your side. We had a deal so what made you break that promise?" Casey looks shocked hearing Skyler, fears starting to take over him as he slowly remembers everything that happen that day. Skyler saw it so he became alerted.

"Oh, no! Don't be like that baby! Okay! If you don't want to tell me it's okay! Please forget that I asked you this! Your health is more important to me than knowing everything." Skyler said but Casey held his arms then he looks at him like he is determined to do something.

"No, Babe! I'm okay! I just feel sudden fear remembering all the things that happened." Casey said to him.

"Are you okay to tell me about it?"

"Yes, Babe! That day, I'm sorry that I broke my promise to you that I will not go anywhere without you. It's just that, I feel so guilty about Sir Arthur, he is the owner of the café where I'm working. He is messaging me nonstop asking me when I will be back at work. I haven't told him about my condition so I thought that day is the right time for me to tell him that I will not go back to work anything soon."

"You can just do that by messaging him, you didn't need to go there yourself!" Skyler almost shouted, Casey, held his hands firmer to calm him down.

"Calm down, babe! You know me! You know how much I respect Sir Arthur! He helps me through my toughest time. He is the one who gave me that job without asking me for more requirements. When he heard that I needed money for my expenses he immediately helped me. No question asked! I cannot just tell him that I'm not working through message! It'll be disrespectful and I'm not like that!" Casey said to Skyler, and the man finally understood.

"So, I decided to go there and talk to him, but when I was almost there! I noticed that someone is following me. I tried to ignore it and continue my way to the café that's when I saw him!" Casey started to be more restless

"Who, baby? Who did you see!" Casey

"Luke! I saw Luke, babe! I stop myself from going to the café! When I asked him what he wants he started to threaten me! He said he will hurt me because I stole you from someone! I don't know what he is talking about! Whom did I steal you from? I tried to talk to him but I saw that he was holding a knife so I ran! I run for my life and our baby's life! I tried to look for help but I saw no one! That's when I arrive at that highway and I lost consciousness! Babe! Luke! Luke wants to kill me! I'm so afraid! I didn't know what to do, but to only run from him!"

Skyler's heart is now full of rage for Luke! He already crosses him before, but because he was his teammate he let it slide, but now? He will threaten the safety of his Casey and their unborn children! He clenches his fist so tightly. Casey saw it, so he tried to hold it to try and calm his boyfriend. He knows what this man is capable of doing especially for the person that he loves and cares about.

"He did that to you? That fucker! How dare he!" Skyler stand from the bed and started to walk all over the place looking so angry.

"Babe! No! You must calm down! You can't do anything harsh! We can just ask mom and dad to ask the police to make him pay!"

"No! I will not do that! He will just deny it! I tried to check that place where you lost consciousness and it didn't have any CCTV coverage, that is why I need to ask you this myself! I can't believe he did this! That fucker! I will make him pay!"

Casey tried to stand from bed to go to Skyler.

"Babe! Please know! Please don't do anything harshly! I don't want you to do things that you will regret someday! Please, babe! Please listen to me!" Skyler goes to him and makes him go back to bed.

"No, babe! I need to handle this myself! I can't let him do this again! If I didn't do anything now and let this slide, what more can he do in the future? Do we have to wait for him to be successful the next time that he will threaten you? No baby! I will not do that! As your boyfriend and as the father of our babies! I need to do this to protect you! Don't worry! I will not do anything that he didn't deserve!" After saying that, Skyler let go of Casey and started to walk to the door.

"Please, babe! Please don't do anything with that horrible man." Skyler opened the door and saw that Mateo is standing behind the door. He heard everything that they talk about because the door wasn't fully closed earlier.

Skyler looks at him, Mateo smiles and held his shoulder.

"Do what you need to do to protect Casey, brother! I will support you! Just call me if you need help! Don't worry! I'll handle Casey here! I will make sure that he is okay while you are away! Remember, he is not just my brother-in-law now! He is my twin! I want to protect him too! It's also my job now!" Mateo smilingly said to Skyler.

"Thanks, bro! Please take care of him while I'm away! I need to do everything that will make sure that nothing bad will ever happen to my Casey and children" Skyler said to him which is answered by a nod from Mateo.

Mateo let go of his brother's shoulder. Skyler proceeds on going out without looking back to his currently calling him boyfriend.

"Skyler! No!" Casey yelled.

To be continued


Trying my best to finish this story. It would mean so much to me to hear your thoughts.

Love lots ❤️

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