Missing Children and a river of blood

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Simon walked home. His expression was cold as he mulled over what happened in the morning. He stepped over the threshold of his home. The environment changed altogether.

An indefinite sea of blood.

Blood seeped across the dark ground, slowly gathering into the surging crimson river. Piles of bones and mounds of skulls, the red of the blood and the white of the bones seemed to form a chateau of death.

This was a domain.

To be able to manifest such a domain that appeared in reality, one could imagine how powerful the cultivator was.

In the centre of it all, right in the middle of the surging waters was a coffin radiating immense pressure. It was made of redwood and had gold markings on it.

Simon did not try to over further into the blood sea. He had tried countless times since he was young but he had always been obstructed by some force.

He faced the coffin and cupped his fist.

"Master, I am back." He whispered. He had never seen the coffin open since he was born, he still did not know if the coffin housed a treasure or a person. All he knew was that he was a disciple to this domain and however owns it.

He moved to the only habitable place in this domain.

It was a small hut. It was depilated and the walls looked like they were peeling. Simon entered inside which was vastly different from the outside.

The stone bed had fluffy pillows and a large, soft quilt. Modern equipment littered the room. A boom box was laying soft, classic music.

Simon winced. He had forgotten to turn it off again. He cupped his fist towards the direction of the coffin again.

He sat on the bed as he removed the ring from his left hand. White hair turned to raven black, the black eyes turned to two heterochronic orbs of red and grey. The old skin tightened and turned porcelain and fair.

"Gold." A much younger voice called out. "What happened today? You did not react at all. I could have died."

The air shimmered and a figure in golden armour knelt before Raizel. Its whole body was trembling but Simon was already used to it. He was after all the only one he knew who could stand the pressure off the sea. 

Others will die once they stepped in here and while Gold and Blue were terrified of the coffin. Simon could do nothing about it after all it was a terror that stemmed from the large difference between them.

"This Servant deserves death..no more than death. Master, Mr Raizel had an array that suppressed me."

Simon chuckled as his fingers tapped his jaw. "An array that can suppress you. Describe the suppression to me?"

Gold thought for a while before it replied, "Master, it was more of an obstruction array targeted at my kind. It was at the former house and it followed as he moved."

Simon's eyes were full of interest, "A moving array. What is such a high-level array master doing here? Well, it does not matter anymore." Recalling those men he found in front of Raizel's hoe.

"Blue is not yet back? Gold, you need to pay the Salvatore family a little visit for me."

Gold bowed and left the house with a low " Master."

Simon did not reply, his mind was very busy. An array that can obstruct a Dao tribulation puppet. He was very curious.

He thought to the words Raizel had told him, "there were many kinds of death."

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