Removing Memories

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Oliver stood on his sword watching the town he had lived in for over a decade.  Memories filled his mind; of those cold days as he journeyed towards the dead forest, always looking back, never trusting anyone.

They soon gave way to his arrival in this little town, his meeting Peter, Simon, Bill, Ben, Old Lin and little Mengmeng. Slowly, his dark days had brightened as joy and laughter return. He had almost forgotten all those dark days.

He truly did not mind spending his days here. However in the end all pieces would return to their proper place.

He felt a presence and stilled, "Fellow Daoist, no need to hide. Please show yourself.

A white-bearded man soon stood in front of him. His hair was tied loosely into a bun and was wearing a pair of light shoes. There was no spiritual treasure or weapon on his feet as he stood floating in the air holding a dark sabre.


As usual, his eyes was filled with astonishment when he checked him out with his spiritual sense, he was unable to tell how strong he was. It was as if his spiritual sense has sunk into a deep ocean, giving him an unfathomable feeling. As expected of Old Simon. How amazing!

He smiled faintly, "Are you here to see me off to Spring field?...He glanced at the dark sabre in Simon's hands, "or send me off to reincarnate."

Simon spoke. His words like slow like he was usual his words, "If I decide to kill you, I am afraid reincarnation is not possible."

He sighed and slowly pulled his Dark Reflection sabre into its scabbard.

Oliver's dejected expression cleared, he was not sure he could fight and win against Simon, even less sure if he wanted to. Simon had done so much for him. He owed him. No man wanted to fight a battle against someone he owed. 

"You know too much. I can't let you go like this."

Oliver's steady heartbeat spiked again.

Simon moved his hands a powerful force swept like a vacuum, pulling Oliver over. Oliver was a Dao Flowering Realm cultivator but he could not extricate himself from Simon's suction.

Before Oliver could even respond, a powerful energy covered his entire body. He could not even resist before everything grew dark before his eyes.

His frozen body stood before Simon, his eyes were wide open and unfocused, his gaze staring straight ahead unseeing.

He was extremely careful when he used the Crystal Star Soul technique on Oliver. Apart from the spiritual sea, the soul was the most important aspect of a cultivator and it was far more delicate. One wrong move would turn Oliver into an idiot.

Rather than erase Oliver's memories and leave Blank spaces, Simon fiddled with his memories. He created illusions of another town similar to Tempest town but in a different place.

The story was not so different from his life but the people and the scene had changed. 

"Drop him close to Springfield."

"Yes, Master."


Raizel slowly regained his consciousness and found himself lying on a big bed with azure blue bed sheets. He slowly sat up and looked at his surroundings. It was not a large room by any circumstances and it was oddly bare but Raizel could recognize the room. It was his room.

He groaned and looked at the clock by the side, 8.20 a.m. How? When? Hazy memories of yesterday soon flooded his mind. He had gotten drunk. 

How did he get home?

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