"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Harton. The current local time is 9 a.m." The voice of the Flight attendant was clear but sonorous as she welcomed them to the Tourist City.
Raizel passed the customs and the queue for baggage collection.
Mundane people liked to prolong matters.
The doors opened to a vast crowd with many carrying different placards with names written on them.
His phone beeped and he opened it, it was a message from Peter.
"Have you arrived? How much is the Sound Saver Talisman?"
Raizel dialled the number. He was no longer surprised by the convenient method of communication.
"Peter." He greeted.
Peter's voice was low when he answered, "Raizel, you have arrived? Your journey?"
"Yes. It was pleasant." If you could call it that. It was a mixture of incessant noises from his teammates and contemptuous looks thrown at him by the same seatmate.
"Tha..that's great. Someone came to buy the Sound saver talisman. How much is it?" Peter's voice was a little slurred.
Raizel's eyes narrowed. It was still morning and he had already started drinking.
Peter was a habitual drunk, Raizel knew that. He had met a lot of wine lovers and people who generally loved drinking. He had even met a woman who drank so much that she almost died because she wanted to be enlightened on the Dao of Wine.
Raizel still did not believe that there was a Dao of wine but he did not argue with her and just went his way.
But Peter was a little different. Raizel always had this feeling that Peter did not actually enjoy drinking. The thought was crazy, the man drank every day without ceasing.
"30 spirit stones for one. 50 spirit stones for two."
"Raizel, you bastard.."
"What?" Raizel was bewildered.
"That's so smart. Collaboration, yes, we need to collaborate and.."
"No, thank you."
"I have not even finished."
"I am not interested and Peter, don't drink when minding my store. You will give it a bad reputation."
There was a long pause before Peter finally said, "Sure."
Raizel ended the call before looking at the links that Peter sent him. One was particularly very interesting, it was an article by a popular travel blogger.
'10 Must-Eat places in Harton'
The article was a comprehensive document on her vacation in Harton.
Raizel headed for first place, Allard. He had not eaten breakfast yet.
Allard was a little diner. It was completely not what Raizel had been expecting. No, it was even smaller than a diner. Raizel raised a brow questionably at the long benches that faced each other.
Raizel sat on one of the benches and looked around. The restaurant was small but beautiful and well-kept. He picked up the menu. They were all seafood which was not surprising. With the long rivers surrounding the town, Seafood was much more available.
He looked at the dish of the person before him before he ordered the same thing.
"I will have the Braised Fried Silver Mirror Fish."

The To-do List
FantasyWho said that the death of a person is akin to the extinguishing of a lamp; that all previous karmic ties would be severed. Raizel made an oath to his dying junior martial brother to complete his To-do list. What was the big deal? It is definitely n...