The Talk

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Captain Barnacles

I smiled and said good morning Kwazii. He blushed and said mornin. I smiled and said something wrong Kwazii? I blushed as he flops down in his chair and said what does it matter you wouldn't understand and couldn't help me anyway. I blushed and said I could try sitting down across from him. He blushed and said I don't know if I can tell you you and the other Octonauts would just laugh. I blushed and said I swear Kwazii I would never laugh at your problems. I sighed and said do they need to be here. He blushed and gestures to Dashi and Tunip. I chuckled and said Tunip Dashi could you give me and Kwazii a minute. Kwazii blushed and said on second thought Dashi could you stay? She nodded and sat down resting her paw on Kwazii cheek. I smiled as he blushed and said so how should one confess his feelings for someone that they've fallen in love with?  I blushed and said well Kwazii maybe it would help to know who. Kwazii blushed and shifted and drew a picture and said this is who he blushed and slipped the drawing face down into my paw. I blushed and looked at it and smiled. I chuckled and said well you know if I remember correctly he loves to take walks on sunset beaches. I smiled as he blushed and said oh. Dashi blushed and said can I see? Kwazii blushed and nodded so I smiled and handed her the picture of Peso. I smiled as she chuckled and said he loves sunsets and if you want to confess he likes fish soufflé and passion fruit smoothies. Kwazii blushed and said I know and I do to. I blushed and shh he's coming.


I blushed and said peso me hardy can you give me a check up? Peso chuckled and said sure what for this time? I blushed and said oh uhm I feel a little warm too warm. I blushed and smiled as he felt my forehead and smiled as he chuckled and said Kwazii your fine are you sure your okay in here placing his flipper on my chest. I blushed and said what do you mean? He chuckled and said kwazii don't move. I blushed as he leaned over and kissed my cheek. I blushed and said peso? He chuckled and said relax. I blushed and shifted and said I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but it won't hurt. I blushed and bit down on my paw hard to ride out the urge to pin peso to the floor. Peso blushed and said kwazii stop!!! I blushed and shook my head no and ran to the launch bay and dove into the Gup A and said open the octohatch tweak. I blushed and drove away.


I blushed and said captain did I say something wrong? He blushed and said no Kwazii's just afraid to say how he feels and he's just trying to find a way to talk to his crush.  I blushed and said oh. I blushed and shifted and said I'll be in my room if you need me. I blushed and walked away and sat down on my bed and thought I'm so stupid. I sighed and whispered I should have known he already has a crush and I highly doubt it's me and I probably hurt him or made him feel guilty. I sighed and grabbed the vial of stuff I'm allergic to and swallow everything. I blushed as I heard Shellington and sighed go away. He blushed and said peso what have you done! I blushed and said I said go away throwing the vial at him. He blushed and caught it then said peso you didn't! I blushed and said it doesn't matter Shellington I just blew any chance I had with kwazii so I'd rather die.


I blushed and said I'm sorry peso I can't let you do this. I blushed and pressed the octoalert and said Octonauts code 649 back up needed peso's trying to kill himself. I blushed and injected the antihistamine into peso and restrain him as he began throwing a tantrum.

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