Under Mandated Supervision

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I blushed and kissed peso and sighed as he said thanks I guess. I blushed and said what's going on why are you so down? Peso sighs and sang

I blushed and said matey? Peso blushed and ran out. I blushed and sighed and said captain something's wrong with peso I think we should call his mum.  Captain nodded and said come to hq. I blushed and nodded and said Shellington could you go check on peso he ran that way. I blushed and walked into the hq and blushed seeing the captain had contacted pinto, Hugo and peso's mom. I blushed and smiled as I nodded to pinto and said hey little matey. He smiled and waved and said captain said you were worried about my big brother what's wrong ? I sigh and said first he kissed me which he admitted he loved me and he tried to kill himself now he's on the run and seems upset about something to do with his dad. I blushed as peso's mom sighed and said i was afraid of this. I blushed and said of what? I blushed as Hugo said peso was the medic in charge during the week our dad died. He blames himself for it even though he did his best. I blushed and said yeow I had no idea. I blushed as I heard sniffing then felt flippers on my neck hugging me. I sigh and said it's okay matey I'm here hugging peso. I smiled as he sighed and said there's more than what they told you because even they didn't know. I blushed and said what do you mean? He sighed and said my father committed suicide. I blushed and said oh my. I blushed and hugged him as he sighed and sang

I blushed and said matey are you okay? He sighed and said no but I will be in time. I sighed and hugged him again and sang

I blushed and smiled as I hugged him and kissed him passionately as peso blushed and smiled hugging me. I smiled as he started purring and whispered i love you kwazii cat. I blushed and smiled as I purr and kissed him again and rocked back and forth with him in my arms. I smiled as he said I need you. I smiled and said im here. He chuckled and said i know. I smiled and blushed as I heard awwwe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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