3 - Careful Conversations

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[Art by zerocubits0506 on Tumblr]

Golden Guard's POV
This is soooo boring. All I needed to do was get to Eclipse Lake, grab the Titan's blood and skedaddle. But no. I have to take the scenic route while being escorted by a bunch of witches who probably don't even need the blood as much as I do!

First there's the Owl Lady who's delusional enough to think she can turn herself into some sort of harpy. There's not much to say about her pet, although echolocation isn't something I've seen in demons before. Amity bears a striking resemblance to the Blights, who I recall mentioning a daughter, and by the way she talks - y'know, the whole "I have to prove myself" thing - she's definitely self-conscious.

And lastly, Y/n. Strange how I haven't heard of them before, considering their ties with the Owl Lady, who's famously proud about her trickery. It's probably because she has them doing all of her dirty work, hiding in the shadows and slinking around, although Y/n doesn't really seem like the sly type. I have no clue why they stay with the Owl Lady. I mean, they hardly look alike, and that woman is a wanted criminal! Well, I guess I am too, but that's besides the point. Y/n also gives me this weird feeling. They make my stomach go all jittery like it's filled with angry fire bees, and whenever they smile my cheeks get hot and my heart gets warm. Whatever, it's probably some wild magic spell the Owl Lady taught them. Speaking of whom...

"You know, Luz told me about a trip to Latissa where she met someone very interesting," the grey-haired witch says. Hmm, Latissa was the place where my ship was taken over by that human... You've gotta be kidding me. Of course she's working with these idiots, that's just my luck. "'A beat-up blonde with no magical powers' she called him." With every word, I feel my face heating up in embarrassment. Great, not only are they in ties with the pesky human, but they know I'm powerless without my staff.

"Or, in her own words," Y/n continues with a laugh. "'A sad but bad boy'." My face is practically burning at this point and that firebee feeling in my stomach gets worse at Y/n's laugh. I really wish they would stop doing that, but at the same time, it's kind of nice. Wait, what did I just- No. Absolutely not. I'm being kidnapped by them for Titan's sake. Ugh, curse that Luz for getting me into this situation.

"If I ever see that human again-"

"Watch it," Amity replies sharply, and I can feel Y/n's eyes staring daggers into the back of my head. They're both protective of Luz, noted.

"Well at least I'm not delusional enough to think I can turn into a harpy," I say with an eye roll. The Owl Lady turns around and hisses at me, and I smirk.

"Hey, give it a rest, you too," the little demon butts in.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, listen to your rat."

The demon snarls and launches at my hair, being more of a nuisance than what he probably assumed was a menace. Y/n grabs at the demon and attempts to pull him from my head. In the midst of the tussle the Blight girl puts a finger to her lips.

"Shh!" Y/n returns the demon to the Owl Lady's shoulder while Amity peaks out from the wall we're standing against. I can hear voices coming from the other side.

"Why are we stopping? Is it the Golden Guard?" I'd recognise that voice anywhere. Sure enough, Kikimora and a fleet of guards from the Emperor's Coven are just on the other side of the cavern.

"No ma'am, this is a dangerous area, we need to move carefully," replies one of the guards. Kikimora scowls.

"'Careful' takes too long. My butt is on the line and so help me Titan, if you ruin this, I will throw you off the tallest peak of The Knee with a smile..."

"Oh, that poor girl is going through something."

I snarl at being so close to the Owl Lady and quickly move out of her way. Unfortunately, that places me right next to Y/n. I try to ignore their presence, but they smell so nice, like fresh books and cinnamon. They remind me of the library at the palace, my safe haven, like a fresh breath of air in a polluted world. Argh, stay focused Hunter! I nudge their shoulder and stunning e/c eyes meet mine, and my heart feels as though it skips a beat.

"We should create a distraction," I say quietly, but apparently not quietly enough.

"WE SHOULD CREATE A DISTRACTION!" The Owl Lady exclaims. "Y/n, come with me. You two, wait for my signal!" Y/n's cute face lights up as they run after the Owl Lady. What? Whatever this is better stop soon, it's distracting.

Oh Titan, this is not going well. But then again, this could be my chance. I just need to target that Blight's self-consciousness.

I lean against the wall and blow a strand of hair from my face. "Huh, that was easy! When they're caught, we can take the Titan's blood for ourselves." Amity frowns and pokes me with her palisman.

"Stop talking like we're a team!" she says.

"We might as well be a team. The Owl Lady and her pet have nothing at stake unlike us."

"You have no idea what you're talking-"


"I was gonna say, you have no-"


She pulls out a device from her pocket with a little message on it. I peer obviously over Amity's shoulder and cringe. "Oof, that doesn't look good." Amity points her palisman at me again. Geez, she really likes to do that.

"Stay back!" she says, a hint of scepticism in her voice. "But what doesn't look good?"

Perfect. Now all I have to do is, well, in Y/n's words, play along


This chapter was supposed to come out sooner but I've had a stressful week and a bit of writer's block, sorry about that. I'm working on the next chapter as we speak, but I can't be sure when it'll come out as I'm going camping for the holidays and then moving house. I'll try my best to get it out in about a week! Love you all, stay hydrated!

Yours, H || Golden Guard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now