8 - Disguise and Deception

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[Art by Dana Terrace]

Y/n's POV

The world dissipates as I come face to face with the Golden Guard in all of his stupid golden glory. Magenta eyes send a cacophony of conflicting emotions through my bones, and I struggle to react save for letting out that single word.


On one hand, one of the most dangerous people on the Boiling Isles has infiltrated Hexside. On the other, it's the witch who saved my life.

The Golden Guard fills me with fire. But Hunter fills me with a different kind of warmth. Probably hate, I tell myself.

He stands, frozen, as I scrutinise every part of his expression, his stance, his stolen Hexside uniform. A bead of sweat drips down his forehead, a nervous twitch pulling at his left eye. What the hell is he up to, and what's it got to do with my friends?

Hunter flinches as I open my mouth, but my words are stolen as Willow chimes in. "Y/n! For a second I thought you weren't gonna make it in time."

Keeping one eye on Hunter, I turn to Willow, rolling my shoulders back. "I almost didn't, I lost count of the amounts of times I dozed off. Professor Homunculus's detentions are always a drawl."

A smirk from my right. Hunter, the jerk. Detention? He mouths. I mouth something not so nice back at him.

"Who's the new kid?" I ask Willow, grinning as Hunter's smirk quickly disappears.

My green-haired friend drapes her arm around Hunter and I tense up. "This is Caleb. Caleb, meet Y/n." Caleb, huh? Quickly calculating in my head, I conclude it's best to follow along with this charade rather than scare him off. After all, I need to find out why he's here in the first place.

I extend my hand, which he hesitantly takes. All the while keeping my eyes locked on his own with the most threatening stare I can muster, which, according to King, is pretty damn terrifying. Hunter simply stares back, eyebrows drawn deep into a frown. I take it as a challenge (then again, I'm Eda's kid, that's how I take most things), and quickly mouth two words.

You're on.

"Well, we better get started! I can't wait a second longer to beat the Professor's a-"

Willow quickly covers Gus's ears. "Not in front of the children!"

Just a few sentences send the world back into motion. In mere seconds our team is covered in green face paint and lined up on the court, the pre-game atmosphere thick with tension as Professor Homunculus's team enters the field.

"All you gotta do is fly high and snag some flags," Willow instructs. Titan, I sure hope she actually explained the rules to the rest of the team before I got here.

The whistle goes off and all hell breaks loose. Players fly left and right, shooting through the sky like witch-sized meteors. Despite our minimal training, we make short work of the other team. After a few minutes, a quick glance back at our poles shows we only need one more point to win. But we're also down a few players.

I catch sight one of the opposition's flags and snatch it from their grasp, sending an Abomination their way for good measure. I zigzag between players, the world around me falling into a blur. As I'm about to score the point, my eyes catch on a flash of blonde hair.

In the heat of the game I'd completely forgotten to keep an eye on Hunter. My focus falters for only a second, but it's enough for a vine to tangle around my foot, pulling me clean off my palisman.

A yell tears from my mouth as I fall towards the ground, holding desperately onto the flag. The blonde head turns to the sound and quickly rushes after me, gloved hand reaching out. I throw the flag and he falters for a moment, almost as if he was planning to save me – which, by the way, would've been absurd, and also against the rules – before catching it.

I miss the final goal as I land on a large conjured flower, but I hear the cheers from our team and know we've won. I look up to see Hunter proudly flying next to our poles, the final flag waving victoriously in the wind.

I run over to my team and we embrace in a tight hug, talking excitedly over one another through smiles and cheers.

Professor Homunculus walks over to us, his face shrouded in disappointment. But luckily for us, he honours his promise. "May I please have your team name?" he asks.

Confusion ripples through our team until a voice chimes, "Emerald Entrails!". We turn to Hunter, the source of the name, who immediately reddens under my scrutinising stare. "Y'know, because we're green... and... there's more to us then you think?" Silence fills the air until the others let out a cheer.

"Entrails! Entrails! Entrails!"

Hunter smiles and joins in with everyone, and I feel happiness tugging at the corners of my lips. What happened to this guy? He's actually... being nice?

I'm so lost in my own thoughts that I miss the conversation happening around me, until my hearing snags on three particular words.

"...the Emperor's Coven!" I whip my head around to Hunter, whose smile is now in stark contrast with the rest of the group. Willow wraps her arms around Gus, who stammers out, "The what?"

Hunter extends his arms, to which everyone pulls back. "My name isn't Caleb," he laughs. "It's Hunter! And I'm the Emperor's right hand man. The Golden Guard!"

That's it. I call my palisman to my hand and raise it high, swinging it right towards his head. Hunter merely ducks with a grin. I move to stand in front of my shaking friends, betrayal written all over my face.

"I should have seen this coming," I spit. "I can't believe I ever thought there was an ounce of good in you."

Hunter merely shrugs. "And who's fault was that?"

Anger boils within me, and I begin to conjure a spell circle before someone grabs my arm. A coven scout. Of course. I kick them in the stomach, sending them flying backwards into a second scout. My eyes dart around to see more and more of them appearing, one after the other. Even with the size and skill of our team, we'd be overwhelmed, but that wasn't gonna stop me.

Unfortunately, the Abomination wrapping around my body does. Hunter's having a conversation with one of the scouts, and I trash and kick and even bite in an attempt to get back to him. "Get away from my friends!" I scream, but I'm only met with a smirk and a wink.

Never in my life have I wanted to be closer to Hunter. To rip his fucking head off.


Hello everyone! That's right, ya boy's back with more Owl House content woo!! The leak from the panel made me really wanna pick this fic back up again, and since it's school holidays I have a bit of time to work on it. To be honest I've written this chapter about six times but I think I'm finally happy with it, sorry it's a bit short! I haven't written in a while but I'm slowly getting back it.

I also have exams in a month, but I'll try to work on this when I can. Thank you so so much everyone for your patience and support, I love y'all so much! And please drop your theories for Season 3 I'm so nervous and excited aaa! Also, I have a 'Yours, H' playlist in my bio if you wanna give it a listen /nf. Okay that's it for now, love you all! Stay hydrated :)

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