Judd x Reader

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Content warning = Depression, toxic thoughts and swearing

Word Count = 4300+

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My bed isn't necessarily comfortable but the weight on top of me is preventing me from doing anything.

"Oh sugar, how about you just stay here. They don't want you anywhere else anyways." The giant purple cat purrs to me.

I simply nod and turn to my side, grabbing my phone. It was already the middle of the day. A message from an unknown number sat in my inbox. Probably one of Judd's burner phones.

-unknown number-
Hey ass, you should come over. I'm bored

I typed back a simple response. "Can't". I probably could've explained more but I'm just tired and I really don't think he cares. I'm sure there's someone else he'd rather hang out with.

I hate feeling like this but there's nothing I can do. Nothing seems to help so maybe I'll just stay here and rot away. 

The bed eventually felt comfortable enough to start to drift off, little by little I fell asleep.


Scratching at my window woke me up slowly. I looked over and noticed a small raccoon holding a note in one paw. Slowly I managed to get up and made my way over to the window opening it just enough for the raccoon to get in. It handed me the letter and sat, beady little eyes stared right into my soul as if waiting for something.

Hey ass,
Get over here before I come and get you
-you know who the fuck this is

Short and to the point. That's Judd for you. I left the window open and crawled back into bed. The raccoon would probably leave on it's own. Right?

This time I grabbed my phone and decide to scroll endlessly through tiktok. I'm still so tired but the light from my screen slowly distracted me from that.

I turn away from the window to my other side, if I'm going to lay here I might as well be a little comfortable. 

"Isn't this nice. Just laying here. No cares. No feeling." The giant weight pushed me further into the bed. 

"Not really." I muttered back in response. It felt weird to speak. Like I hadn't had anything to drink in a long time or maybe it's just because I haven't had anyone to speak to. 

The weight just continued to press me further down into the mattress and I just let it. Scrolling through my phone probably wasn't what I needed right now but I really didn't have the energy for anything else. I haven't even changed clothes, matter of fact I've lost count of how many days I've been wearing this shirt. I think this was one of Judd's actually. Why did he even give this to me? The dark fabric was nice and just baggy enough to be comfortable. A quick whiff made me feel disgusting. What would he think if he could smell this. He'd probably think I'm some sort of pig who doesn't care about his stuff wouldn't he. These thoughts raced and raced for what felt like hours and my fingers fiddled with my chapped lips, scratching endlessly. 

A thud from behind me quickly snaps me out of my thoughts. Maybe it was a murderer, here to punish me for being lazy. Footsteps slowly approach my bed and warm breath hit my neck. The hairs standing up. 

"I know you're awake." A gravel voice muttered into my ear. Not a murderer but close enough. 

"What do you want Judd." My voice sounded as if I had just woken up. 

"Get up" He grunted forcing me to face him.

"I'm tired." That was all I could seem to muster to say. How else could I explain this crushing weight forcing me back into the bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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