King/Harlequin x reader

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Backstory - You are Meliodas' sibling and haven't ever been able to truly get his attention and have always felt left out of everything however you still loved him and got along with him when you did hang out, so when he left you were torn, you idolized him. So you decided to get his attention and maybe even get him to return you had to become like your brother Zeldris and help the 10 commandments. ((This takes place after the 10 commandments were defeated but you were left behind))

Word Count = 1200+

*****Y/N POV*****
The 10 commandments were defeated and I couldn't do anything, Meliodas still didn't realize I was even there. I am currently in the forest of white dreams. I didn't know where else to go. For a while I would visit Diane here until one day I came to talk and she was gone. Just like everyone else, the only one who even acknowledged me was Zeldris... I can't go back there though I let him down. As I was walking through the forest I was really just trying to figure out what to do. I was tired and bleeding from some wounds I'd acquired from people who attacked me when I just wasn't up for fighting back.

When I came out of my thoughts I had realized I walked out of the forest of white dreams and to a small town with a tavern on a hill. I heard someone following me but ignored them I mean what did it matter to me. I've already lost everything. I put my hood up and walked into the tavern then sat down at a corner booth.

*****Kings POV*****
Captain told me to go into the woods to find some fruits and things to cook with. While searching I heard a voice mutter something I however brushed it off until I heard the voice say "Meliodas". I went over to where I heard the voice and followed behind a hooded figure who seemed to be the one talking. I followed on chastifol so that they didn't hear anything. I wasn't even sure they knew that they were talking aloud.

I continued to follow them until they went into the tavern. I entered and went to the kitchen still staring at them from a small window.

I hadn't noticed before but I saw part of their face and blushed slightly. They were actually pretty attractive.

I noticed Diane ((she is currently small and being a waitress)) walk over ready to take their order before she got a good look at the persons face and then instantly jumped at them and hugged them tightly. She then began to shake the person about and their hood fell off revealing their hair and light flooded to their face showing all of their details. I instantly blushed and looked away. "They're really hot." I muttered to myself. Ban must've noticed because he looked out and noticed them too.

"Hmm, I think you should claim that before I snatch them up." He commented staring at them and licking his lips.

"W-what" I stammered out looking at him.

"You obviously like them so go ahead and ask them out you idiot." He said before hitting the back of my head.

I quickly moved away and went to see Captain.

"Hey Captain do you know that guy in the corner." I asked him.

He looked over curiously before his face fell and he frowned.

"Yeah I know them... Haven't talked in a while though."

"How do you know them if I may ask." I questioned. The conversation had caught the attention of Ban, Gowther and Merlin.

"He,i-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before Gowther finished it for him.

"They are siblings,thats Y/N of the demon clan." He stated.

"WHAT!?" I yelled out.

*****Y/N POV*****
I heard yelling and managed to look over even though it was difficult with Diane hugging me so tightly.

I gasped and tore away from her grasp glaring daggars at Meliodas.

"Y-YOU!" I yelled before launching forward and attempting to attack him.

Just as my fist was about to collide with his face someone stood between us. It was a small boy with brown hair.

"Move it twerp this is none of your concern." I muttered glaring daggers at him. He visibly flinched.

"King would you mind moving out of the way please." A voice from behind him said. I recognised the voice and grimaced. There was no denying that the man behind this twerp was the one who caused all my suffering.

He frowned but moved and as soon as he was out of the way I landed a punch on Meliodas that sent him flying through the wall behind him.

I jumped after him yelling at him "YOU LEFT ME, I HATE YOU. I'VE MISSED YOU, BUT HERE YOU ARE WHEN I FINALLY ACCEPTED I HAD NOTHING LEFT. LIFE JUST LOVES TORTURING ME DOESN'T IT YOU BASTARD..." All through my yelling I continued to deliver punch after punch. Before landing a final small kick to his shin. "Answer me won't you.. Bastard" I muttered before noticing I had been crying.

I turned around and began to walk off before collapsing to my knees about a meter away and I began to sob and laugh at the same time.

"I didn't mean to leave you all alone." He muttered.

I heard footsteps running up to us before stopping. Meliodas walked up to me and stood in front of me before bending down and picking me up for a hug. I fought him and stepped back looking at him.

"D-dont touch me bastard."

"Gee... You really like that word don't you" He muttered.

I heard footsteps run up to me and felt arms wrap around me.

"Diane!" Someone called out.

I realized Diane was the one hugging me and I began to weep into her shoulder.

I soon fell asleep in her arms out of exhaustion.

*****Time skip*****
I awoke on a soft and fluffy pillow, I opened my eyes and realized it was a weird floating green pillow.

I looked around and also realized that I was in an odd looking bedroom. I heard the door open and saw the small boy who interfered when I first went to punch Meliodas.

"Hi" He muttered blushing.

I nodded in response as he walked over with some bandages. It was only then that I realized I was stripped down to my underwear. I blushed and looked over to a window.

"Meliodas sent me up to wrap up your wounds." I got up and walked away from him.

"Well I don't need to you." I crossed my arms.

"Yes you do," he said "your arm is bleeding, you have scratches all over you legs, a really deep looking gash on your shoulder and one on your stomach. Not to mention you look like you haven't eaten in days."

I groaned. "I'm not as weak as I may seem fairy boy" I grumbled "a few scratches is nothing to me" Just as I said those words the cut on my shoulder throbbed slightly making me wince.

He grinned, "Pretty sure you need some help there."




"Nope" He said smiling

"Ye-... NOPE" I yelled.

He zoomed over to me and quickly started to wrap my wounds before I could say anything.

"H-huh I said I didn't need help." I tried to pull the arm he was working on away but he held it tightly and continued.

Soon he was finished and my legs, arms and stomach were all wrapped.

"Thanks" I whispered.

"What?" He teased.

I growled "Thank you for helping me." I said and leaned over kissing his cheek.

He blushed "You're welcome."

Part Two????????

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