Diane x Reader

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***** Third POV *****
Y/N is a giant who used to train with Diane until she ran away from the giants. He waited for her to return but never did... So he went looking for her. When he found Diane she discovered that she was traveling with the Seven Deadly Sins so he decided to travel with them and as he grew closer to Diane he developed a little bit of a crush. 

***** Your POV *****
Diane and I were training in our small forms (thanks to Merlin) in a secluded part of a forest with a small open field. I had to wear a tavern uniform that had been adjusted to fit my size more but it was still really uncomfortable so Diane decided to wear it too so that I didn't feel as uncomfortable because I wouldn't be the only one.

As we were fighting I felt a great magic power coming towards us. We tried to move from where it was going to land but I couldn't move fast enough and got caught in a large fireball. I screamed in agony.

As soon as the fire ball dissipated I fell to the ground and all I could do was watch as Diane ran to me. I was in agonizing pain and screaming as loud as I could but I was still alive and definitely wouldn't be passing out any time soon I tried to focus on anything but the pain. I looked over at Diane and she was growing.

I then felt her pick me up. I focused on her face and realized she was crying.

I felt myself tear up at the sight.

"I'm okay Dia." I tried to tell her but it came out almost a whisper.

*****Time skip to at the tavern*****
*****No ones POV*****
As Diane made her way back to the tavern with me resting in her hands tears streamed down her face.

She wept even as Merlin began healing you. Unfortunately the fireball had caused so much damage that she couldn't heal you completely without taking too much energy.

You ended up mostly covered in bandages and it hurt to move but the burns would heal... Eventually.

Diane never left your side.

*****your pov*****
The pain was so unbelievable painful but I had to push through it. I wasn't ready to give up yet. Not without telling Diane my feelings.

Immediately Diane tried to push me down gently so I didn't strain myself. "Stop moving you idiot." She muttered her voice breaking a little.

"Hey I'm ok Dia, you don't have to baby me so much." I whispered my voice hoarse from screaming. I reached up and held her face. She grabbed my hand with hers and nuzzled her face into it.

"I was so scared to lose you. I don't know what I'd do without you." She slowly teared.

"Hey hey hey, don't think about that. I'm here now aren't I?" I strained a smile at her as she started to cry. "Besides there's no way I could leave you before telling you about something first." My heart began to speed up. I was really going to do this wasn't I? I can't keep letting it go on with all these risks around us without her knowing.

She looked me in the eyes confused.

"What do you mean." Her tears stopped falling for a moment so she could pay more attention to me.

"I love you Diane." I smiled brightly at her.

She was taken aback.

"Y-you what?"

"I said I love you Diane. I always have." My smile remained despite the pain coursing through my body and the anxieties churning my stomach. Time seemed to slow down.

It took her a second to process what I had said but this second felt like an eternity. My anxieties eating away at my stomach. But after what felt like forever she leaped into my chest and began crying again.

"Careful Dia" I winced.

"S-sorry" she muttered into my chest "I just never thought you would feel this way. I thought I was the only one. I thought I didn't have a chance. And then I thought I was gonna lose you." She continued to sob into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm sorry I made you wait so long and I'm sorry I made you worry so much." At this point I was crying too. It's hard not to when the one you love so deeply is sobbing into your chest because you were hurt.

After a while of just holding her and crying with each other she looked up at me, tears finally slowing, and pushed her face towards mine slowly. Slowly inching closer. Eyes fluttering closed before eventually our lips met. A tender moment of vulnerability, equally shared between two terrified souls.

After we eventually pulled away I stared at her. "I love you too." She sniffled.

We just layed there holding each other trying to calm down before eventually falling asleep.

x Gender Neutral/Male Reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now