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No One Pov
While a little kid is walking at the street a dog suddenly barked at her that made her stopped.

H-Hi...... Little Lisa said nervously but the dog continue to bark at her.

S-Stop....... Little Lisa said as her eyes became watery.

I want my oppa now...... Little Lisa said in her mind.

Y-Yah!..... She heard someone shouted but she didn't dare to look who it was because of the dog that keep barking at her.

Shu..... A little girl said to a dog and throw a meat that made the dog leave and followed where the meat went.

Are you okay?....... The little kid asked her worriedly as she lifted Lisa's head up.

Hey stop crying....... The little kid said and wiped her tears.

I thought it will bit me...... Little Lisa said.

But it didn't so stop crying...... The little kid said to her.

T-Thank you...... Little Lisa said to her.

You're welcome...... The little kid said.

Young Miss..... A man called Lisa.

Well I have to go now....... Little Lisa said to her.

Btw I'm Lalisa Manoban....... Lisa said to her and smiled but before the little kid could introduce herself a woman appeared.

Young Miss you will be late for your flight...... The woman said to her then carried Lisa and left but something fell of from her wrist so the little kid picked it up.

It's my pleasure to meet you Lisa.....The little kid said and smiled.

So Hee we need to go!...... Someone shouted.

Coming mom...... Little So Hee said and went where her Mom is.

Who owned that bracelet?......Her Mom asked her.

My new friend Mom it fell of from her bracelet when she left...... Little So Hee answered.

I thought it's not your thing to make some friends...... Her Mom said.

I don't know why did I even said that she's my new friend Mom...... Little So Hee said that made her Mom chuckled.

I hope you will meet your new friend again...... Her Mom said.

I hope so too Mom...... Little So Hee said as they went back to their house.

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