Chapter 7

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Next Day

So Hee Pov
When morning came so I went out to find us some foods but I saw Jungkook and he insisted to come.

Lisa she needs medicine...... Jungkook said that made me looked at him.

What do you mean by that?...... I asked her as I pick some fruits.

I just check her before I saw you and she's burning I can't wake them up because I'm sure they are tired.....Jungkook said.

She's sick...... Jungkook added.

What is your relationship with her?......I asked him.

I'm her ex boyfriend...... Jungkook answered.

There's no medicine here....... I said to him but I wonder why did they broke up.

When we got back to the house we heard Jennie shouting so we immediately went up.

What's happening here?...... I asked them

Lisa is burning and we can't do anything about it...... Rose answered.

And about the shouting part?...... I asked them.

They are just fighting because of what happened...... Joy answered.

Hyung...... Jungkook said as he approached Jin.

I don't know what to do anymore Lisa is burning and she needs to go in the hospital right now kook but I can't do anything...... Jin said.

Jin...... I called him then he looked at me.

You guys need to make a boat enough for us to fit in....... I said to him.

Why?....... Youngjae asked.

Hmm this island have a volcano that's why I'm building one but you guys appeared so we need to create another one but a big one....... I answered.

Do we need to cut some trees?......Bambam asked and I shook my head.

You will see a lot of branch around......I answered.

I'll go check Lisa....... I said to them and went to my room.

When I entered my room I saw Lisa trembling so I approached her and placed my palm on her forehead and she's really burning.

Maybe this is the reason why your body is getting heavy yesterday...... I said to her.

Can't believe you already have a ex boyfriend...... I said as I looked around my room.

I'll just go somewhere I'll be back ......I said and kissed her forehead then exited the room.

I'm going somewhere...... I said to them and they just nod at me.

I went to the falls near at the volcano as I found a hot water so I pulled a hand made cup by a bamboo then went back to my house to my room.

I looked at my sleeve and ripped it as I let the hot water to be on it. After that I placed the sleeve that I ripped to Lisa's forehead.

When I felt a presence behind me I turned around as I saw Jin.

Thank you for taking care of her even though you just met us...... Jin said.

I already met her years ago...... I said in my mind but I just stayed quiet.

Btw uhm we don't know how to build a boat so can you uhm you know tell us what we will do...... Jin said.

How about Lisa?....... I asked him.

The girls is there to take care of her.....Jin answered and I nod my head

You can wait for me outside....... I said to him then he exited my room.

Two days or almost two days since you guys arrived here so better be okay Lisa I will let you feel what I feel when I grow up thinking about you loving you even though I'm not sure what's your face because we're just kids that time....... I said to her.

Though your ex boyfriend which is Jungkook seems to still love you..... I added.

Though I sound a psycho or selfish if I say I won't let you love someone else but I will respect your decision whatever that is well enough with the talk thing I will follow your brother now....... I said then left.

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