Chapter 4

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Morning Came

Jisoo Pov
When I woke up I noticed that I'm laying down on a sand even though I remember it that we jumped out of that yacht.

Wait we jumped...... I said and immediately stand up but I saw my friends laying down not far from each other that made me sigh in relief.

After just a few seconds I immediately stand up remembering Lisa so I went near to Jin.

Yah! Jin wake up....... I said to him while shaking his body

Chu just go to Rose....... Jin said while his eyes are still closed so I looked around trying to find Lisa but she's no where.

Lisa is missing...... I said to him that made his eyes opened.

Are you sure she's missing?...... Jin asked and stand up.

She's no where to see...... I said to him then our friends woke up.

Guys stand up we need to find Lisa.....Jin said to them.

Don't tell us she's missing...... Irene said to him.

Jisoo said so..... Jin said.

Our trip just got sabotage and we jumped out from it last night......Jennie said as she closed her eyes.

And now Lisa is missing...... Jennie added.

I can feel the scary aura around her and no one will pick us up here to save us from her.

Jin you know how much Lisa will be scared if she's just alone and got from that kind of situation!?..... Jennie shouted angrily that made me scared.

I just know that Lisa is the one who can make her calm down like what she did to me when we're still studying because someone bullied her of course she's the baby of our group and no one can hurt her.

Jen calm down let's just find Lisa first ...... Irene said to her then Jennie went in the forest so we followed her.

While we keep finding Lisa were also finding some foods.

There's a person there maybe that's Lisa ....... Jungkook said so we walk towards to that person but we stopped when we noticed that it's figure is not like Lisa.

Wait maybe we're just near in the island when we jumped out from the yacht.....  Yugyeom said.

No we're not I'm sure because this is the only island I saw when I looked around...... I said.

But who's that?...... Yeri asked then the person turned around it turns out it's a woman and she have a knife that made me gulped.

What nice morning....... Seulgi said nervously so I looked at Jennie who is not having that.

Who are you?...... The woman asked.

None of your business....... Jennie answered.

Jennie....... Irene said.

I'm sorry but we're from Seoul...... I said to her.

What brings you here I know this is far from Seoul...... She said.

The yacht that we're riding got a problem to the engine so we don't have any choice but to jump......Chaeyoung answered.

Are we really going to have a chit chat with a stranger rather than to find Lisa who is having a hard time right now for sure...... Jennie said.

This island is wide you can't find her easily especially if you don't know about direction here...... The woman said.

I don't care my friend is scared right now and I only care to find her......Jennie said to her.

Jennie stop okay? She's being nice to us....... Nayeon said to her.

Can you help us to find my sister then?....... Jin asked her.

Sure just come with me at my house first...... The woman said.

House?....... Mark asked her

Maybe I've been here for a months......The woman said.

When we arrived I expected it's really a house on the ground but it's a tree house.

Go inside I'll find your friend because it's dangerous here..... The woman said.

I'll come with you...... Jin said to her.

Like I said it's dangerous....... The woman said.

Let's just trust her hyung...... Taehyung said to him.

We just met her like five minutes ago and you're telling us to trust her......Jennie said to him

Jen we don't have any idea about this island so let just let her find Lali.....I said to her.

I'll go now....... The woman said and about to leave.

Name?...... Jennie asked her.

Han So Hee...... She answered then left.

 She answered then left

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