chapter 26

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'' Kisaki! I'm gonna jack up your face so bad, no one'll recognised you! '' said Baji, showing his proud face as his hair cover his face a bit.

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'' Stop, Baji! '' yelled Draken.

'' We came to take you back! '' Mitsuya continue.

I butted in too even though I know Baji's real goal, '' Keisuke! You asshole! Get your ass over here and come back to us! ''

Baji glared at us but stopped when the Vice Captain of the 3rd Division pulled Baji by his collar and threw him away. '' Hmph. Are you alright, Kisaki-san? ''

'' Bzz bzz bzz bzz... Like a damn fly darting around men. Swat him dead. '' Kisaki stood up and threw his broken glasses.

'' Bring it on... Kisaki! '' Baji said, standing up.

'' Shit what should we- '' I was about to asked until I saw Chifuyu running towards Baji. '' Chifuyu?! '' I called out but he didn't heard me and still running towards Baji.

He stopped in front of Baji with his arms open, signaling Baji to stopped. '' Chifuyu, what do you think you're doing? '' Baji asked, glaring at him.

'' Baji-san... Don't. If you take Kisaki down right now, you'll be betraying Mikey-kun. For Toman, you can't take Kisaki down right no- '' Chifuyu got cut of by Baji punching him in the face.

'' Chifuyu! '' I yelled, running towards Chifuyu.

'' You stay there, Y/N. One more step, you die. '' Baji threatened me with his cold eyes, making me stopped running towards Chifuyu.

'' Who the hell do you think you are, Chifuyu? '' He turned his attention back to Chifuyu who was laying down after getting hit by him. '' The only reason I had you by my side is because you could fight. ''

Baji walked up, '' I don't give a rat's ass what you think. ''

Chifuyu sat up and said, '' I'm the 1st Division Vice Captain! I'm here to protect you, Baji-san! '' He stood up before continuing giving Baji a look, '' If you're going to continue down this path, I won't hold back, either! ''

Baji fully turned to him, '' Just try it. ''

'' Mitsuya, don't try to stop me anymore. ''

'' Wha- Y/N?! '' I ignored him and went towards Baji and punched him, ignoring the sting on my cheek.

'' You asshole! I have enough of you! You're coming back with us! '' I tried to land a punch again but Baji held my wrist as he punched me and threw me away.

Baji had greater strength in fighting than me. That is why he can threw me like that. '' You have a dead wish eh? If yes, I'll deal with you later. '' I stayed silent as he turned to Chifuyu's direction.

'' I'll give you 10 seconds. '' Baji said, smirking at Chifuyu.

'' Huh? ''

Baji started to count the numbers down until 6 and said, '' What's wrong? I thought you weren't gonna hold back. '' He continued counting, at 4 he said, '' You're not gonna be able to stop me unless you kill me ''

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