Total Drama Hogwarts

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The four students were walking to Hagrid's hut following Gryffindor's victory in the Quidditch match and a heated argument was taking place. 

Unbelievably, Ron and Hermione were on one side and Y/N and Hagrid were on the other. Ron and Hermione were trying to argue that Professor Snape had jinxed Harry's broom, nearly sending him to his death whilst Y/N was in pursuit of the Golden Snitch.

Y/N knew that despite what they saw, Professor Snape was NOT trying to hurt Harry. Quite the opposite in fact. He, just like Jacob's orders to Y/N, had been tasked with secretly protecting Harry by Dumbledore. Hagrid groaned and spoke back firmly to the pair of first years:

"Nonsense. Why would Snape put a jinx on Harry's broom?"

Harry spoke up this time, securely on Hermione and Ron's side. He hated Snape with every fibre of his being:

"Who knows? Why did Snape try to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?"

"How do you know about Fluffy?" Hagrid asked as he turned to look at the kids shocked.

"Fluffy? That thing has a name?" Ron shrieked in horror.

Y/N scowled at Ron as Hagrid answered:

"Well of course he's got a name. He's mine"

"We know about Fluffy, Hagrid. I've been to see him a few times. He's a good boy. Speaks highly of you" Y/N said with a smirk.

Hagrid's eyes welled up in pride that his giant pet cared for him as he continued:

"I bought him off an Irish fella I met down the pub. Lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-"

The golden trio stared at Hagrid expectantly as Y/N closed his eyes at Hagrid's faux pas.

"Yes?" Harry asked cheekily.

"Nothing that's top secret. No more questions" Hagrid said in frustration as he continued to stride towards his hut.

"Whatever he's guarding Snape's trying to steal it" Ron pleaded.

"Nonsense. He's a Hogwarts Professor. Why would he try and steal it?" Hagrid reasoned as Hermione spoke up:

"Hogwarts Professor or not I know a jinx when I see one it. I've read all about them. You have to maintain eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking. Come on Y/N you know all about jinxes"

Hermione turned to Y/N with pleading eyes. Y/N was aware that something of great was importance was being kept at Hogwarts. Something that Fluffy was guarding. He knew Snape was protecting it as well and Quirrell was after it but the cover story was that he and Snape were antagonistic with each other. He couldn't go in to bat for Snape without raising suspicion. He chose his words very carefully:

"Yes that's true Hermione, but I would need to get a proper look at the event before I can pass judgement."

Hermione huffed in frustration. She was worried about her best friend. Worried he was being manipulated by Snape.

Snape had been bitten by Fluffy which is why he was limping. She had seen him clearly jinxing Harry's broom. Was he lying to Y/N about his father? Y/N had asked her to publicly play along with the cover story about him and Snape antagonising each other, but what if Y/N really was falling into a trap by trusting the Potions Master? She was pulled from her thoughts as Ron scoffed sarcastically to Y/N:

"What? Are you gonna go back in time?"

"No. I don't have the necessary equipment and there's too many witnesses" Y/N replied deep in thought, oblivious to the tone in Ron's voice. The other three first years looked at his comment surprised and confused as Y/N walked off ahead.

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