Lineage of Vampire

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We were walking and then he said:
- And what do you think about my family?
- Uhm... they are very kind.
- Kind? You were with so many vampires and you say they're kind? Seriously?
- Uhm yeah, what can I say? They were kind to me. I really like Carlisle.
- Who doesn't?
- Yeah...
- Alright, Susan listen me... you really shouldn't have a good relationship with vampires. We are dangerous to you.
- You won't do anything bad to me. - I said. I don't know why I said it, I just felt that he couldn't so anything bad to me.
- How you can be that sure?
- I am.
I took his hand and smiled to him. He was schocked but he didn't do anything. He took me home. Next to my home he asked:
- Will we see each other one day again?
- I hope so. Not that long, right?
- Sue... you shouldn't want to meet me...
- I know but I want. Jasper don't you understand? I need to see you. I can't explain but you should get it.
- Sue, I...
Then we saw Elijah.
- Hello, Jasper. Hi, Susan.
- Hi, Elijah I missed you. - I said and I hugged him. He didn't want it I felt it. - Is there anything wrong, Elijah?
- No, no... I mean I wanted to talk with you it's all.
- About what? - I asked.
- I don't want to bother you two. Bye, Susan. - said Jasper.
- Wait. At first promise me we will see each other so soon. One week.
- Uhm...
- Jasper, promise me.
- I promise...
I smiled and Jasper left me with Elijah.
- You shouldn't want to meet vampires. You shouldn't meet me, meet him... Susan I wanted to talk with you that I can't be... we can't see each other anymore. We shouldn't, it's dangerous for you.
- It's not, Elijah! I want to date you like we used to do!
- Date?
- Yes, we were dating... we still do. And we will.
Elijah smiled.
- My family is dangerous. Klaus, be careful of him. Promise me.
- I promise.
- Cullens family is dangerous too. I don't know them but... they are strong I can feel it. Be careful of Rosalie. And Bella.
- I will be of all. I am safe with you.
He kissed me.

The next day I woke up and I felt that I have enough. I have enough of not awareness. I don't know what is behind me and Elijah from the moment I realised he's a vampire. I don't know what I feel to Jasper. I don't know what should I do and I don't know should I tell Elijah or somebody about Katherine? And I still don't know I should tell anyone from my family about vampires; Elijah, Klaus, Katherine, Jasper, Cullens and Mikaelsons?
I was thinking and I felt that my head hurts. I wrote message to my mom that I don't feel very good and I will stay at home today. I put my head on a pillow and I wanted to try to sleep. Then I heard that something hit to my window. I looked there and I saw her. Katherine Pierce.
I opened the window and asked:
- What are you doing?
- Hello, sweetie. Invite me in. I think you don't want anyone to see me like this. I can look like a... big crow.
- What do you want? Elijah told me that I have to invite vampire only then you will can get inside. Who told you I want you there?
- I know that you need me, sweetie. Invite me in.
- I need you? In what?
- Oh come on, sweetie. I know about your meet with Cullens. And about Elijah and you. You two are not like a birds in love anymore, aren't you? What a pity. Elijah doesn't want you. You're human, he's a vampire. He can have every vampire he wants, he's so handsome. He knows it. And you don't even know how many girlfriends he had before you, sweetie. Invite me in and let's talk about Elijah, Jasper, Niklaus... and maybe about me? Invite me in.
I wasn't sure about her words but I was feeling she couldn't do anything SO bad to me.
- Alright, come in.
Katherine came inside.
- Fine. Your choice. What is going first? Mikaelsons or Cullens?
- Uhm... it doesn't matter. I'm listening to you with all.
- Alright, sweetie. Mikaelsons are the originals. They are first vampire, and Klaus is a first hybrid. They are very strong and most of vampires are afraid of them. You should be careful of Klaus. He's the worst. One day he ruined girl's life. He is terrible. It was terrible to her. He killed her parents, turned her into a vampire and forced to run ALL HER LONG LIFE. And vampires are immortal so her life is very long.
- Poor girl...
- Exactly. Klaus and all his family ruined so fucking many lifes. They are monsters. Mainly Klaus of course. Be careful of them. Of him. Don't let him ruin your life.
- I'm with Elijah, not with Klaus.
- I know and believe that it doesn't matter. Anyway - Cullens. They are weird and I heard of them the first time when they walked in that town. Who are they? Vampires. But they're not vampires like us. Like Klaus, like Elijah, or like me. They're other, I don't know what they have other but they are.
- That is weird.
- Yes it looks like there are two lineages of vampires. Them and we.
- Wow....

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