New Problem

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- I want to back to my old life. - I said the other day.
- It's not possible, sorry, sweetie. - said Katherine.
- I don't care. I want. I want to see my brother, my sister and my mom everyday. I want to have enough of school. I want to cry because of my marks at school. I want to visit my grandma every Sunday. I want to-
- I don't care what you want, Suzie. - said Katherine. - It's not possible to return your old life.
- Why not, Kath? - I asked almost screamed.
- Katherine, I am sure that there is a way to get back her old life. - said Jasper.
- We are here for so many weeks. In our trio. I really love you both. I trust you and I know you want my goodness, but.... hey, I can't live like it forever! I want to see my family!
- Alright! - screamed Kath. - You'll back home.
- Thank you. - I said by ironic.
- But we; Jasper and I will visit you everyday.
- Katherine, why do you think I'm not safe yet? Elijah returned.
- Ester. - said Katherine. - You can to school but I will go with you at morning, and Jasper will back home to you after school. Alright?
- Fine...
- Great. - said Katherine.

At home I was feeling so much better. I liked the time I spent with Jasper and Katherine. Mainly because they became " friends ". Alright maybe friends is a too strong word, they both wanted my happiness and they weren't enemies for it. I liked it. Katherine goes EVERYDAY to school with me and EVERYDAY Jasper is next to my school when I finish lessons. It's a bit awkward but it's kinda cute of their sides. Elijah... Elijah didn't write to me, I didn't write to him. Well...

The first Saturday from my return I woke up being really happy.
I looked up my phone and I found a message from unknown number.
„ Please don't fall for another one. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't leave me, because you became the most important person in whole my life. Please don't choose him. I don't know why I'm writing it. I think I know what you will choose. "
I was sure who sent me this message.
I went to the kitchen. There were my siblings. Cam and Feyre.
- Good morning. - I said.
- Hello. - answered Cam smiling.
I hugged them both. I was grateful everyday when I can see them after this all what happened in last time.
- Why you're sad? - asked Feyre.
- I'm not. I was really happy. Now I'm eh...
- You're what? - asked Cam.
- Hungry! Did you already eat?
- We did. We ate rolls. For you is there too. - said Feyre and showed me where.
So I ate.
The next time we were watching our favourite serie. We watched 6 episodes! Wow.
Then my phone rang.
- Who is this? - asked Cam.
I looked and it was unknown number. I thought maybe it's Elijah but then I realised that it's my new phone. I have numbers only of my family, Katherine and Jasper.
- Unknown. I'll pick up.
I went to my own room, didn't want to bother them.
- Hey?
- Hello, cutie mortal girl. - I heard Klaus's voice.
- Klaus...
- Of course. Do you know that YOU HAVE TO choose one of them?
- One of what? I don't know what the hell you're talking about. And I'm sure I don't want to know.
- I'm not going to let you cheat on my brother. My brother hurts because of you, mortal creature.
- I'm so sorry, it's not my fault.
- Oh so maybe his?
- He wanted to kill me.
- He didn't find somebody else to love. He didn't fall for someone else.
- I never said I am in love with Jasper.
- You don't have to. Susan, listen to me. If you won't choose between two vampires you'll lose.
- What do you mean saying... I'll lose?
- Do you want some advice? You should let go them both. You're in really big danger being between two vampires. Ask your best friend, Katherine Pierce. She was in that situation, wasn't she?
- How do you know? - I asked.
- Haha, please. You really were thinking you can be better than me? I know EVERYTHING. And say Katherine that I think I have to call my old friend. Bye, bye, Suzie. And think about your feelings.

At evening when my siblings were sleeping I invited Katherine and Jasper. I told them what Klaus told me.
- How the hell he found out I am here? - asked Katherine.
- I don't know. He's... he's really good. Carlisle told me that all Mikaelsons are crazy and we have to be careful of them all but Klaus is the worst. Rosalie thinks that Kol, but to be honest Carlisle is always right. If they want war between Cullens and Mikaelsons they can get it. We will win I'm sure, why? Because we have Carlisle who is smartest in whole world, they don't have anyone like this. We have Alice, she can see the future. We have Edward he can read minds. They are just vampires with no superenergy. Only Klaus is hybrid. And yeah one of that sister is a witch but it's nothing to us. - said Jasper.
- You shouldn't be that sure. You don't know Mikaelsons. But well what can I say? I hope you'll win. - said Katherine.
- You're on Cullens's side? - I asked.
- Yes? Sue, Klaus was my nightmare that long that I even forgot when he became it. He's the worst person I have ever met, and I'm more than 500 years old. I met more people you could think. He is the devil in the creature who looks like a person. I hate him, and his family too. Only Elijah is the noble one and we don't have to worry about him, if he won't turn it off again. And we can't forget about Ester. The weird is that there isn't Mikael yet. Their father. The biggest enemy of Klaus.
- There are two lineages of vampires as we know. It's easy to kill us, they have to just break off our heads of hands. How we can kill them?
- It's easy to make them coma. We need to have special wood. I can take it, I know where Klaus has it. He has it for every sibling. - said Katherine. - But they're originals. They are immortal... there has to be way how to kill them but... I'm 500 years old. That search was my only hope. I never found how to kill Klaus and his stupid family.
- Jasper, Katherine, hey. I don't want you to kill them. I don't want war. - I screamed.
- Sue, we don't have a choice. Mikaelsons didn't give us choice. - said Jasper. - Carlisle knows it. I know it. They know it. You know it. Alice saw the war.
- No... It's not possible. I don't want the war!
- You won't fight, don't worry. - said Katherine.
- I won't let you fight!
- We don't have a choice! - said Jasper. - I'm sorry it's their decision. Klaus's most.
- I can do something. - I said.
- What? - asked Katherine.
I didn't answer, I left them in my room.

I went to the house I have never been before. It was Mikaelsons's house.
I came inside.
I saw their big house, there was beautiful.
- Who are you? - I heard.
It was Rebekah.
- I'm... I'm Susan.
- Oh, Susanna, the mortal love of my brother.
- Exactly. I want to see...
- Elijah? - asked Rebekah.
- Well no. I want to see with... - I was afraid of it there more over I was thinking about it. - With Klaus.
- With Niklaus? For what the hell? You want to have both of brothers or what? Jasper isn't that good like you thought? He's cute, he's handsome. So have him and leave my family.
- It's not possible to leave your family because Klaus wants the war with Cullens! - I screamed.
- The war? - asked Rebekah.
- Yes. - I confirmed.
- No... NIK!!!!! - she screamed.
It wasn't even a second I saw Hayley ( God it was really long time I haven't seen her ) and her daughter.
- Hayley? Hope? What are you doing here? - asked Rebekah. - Never mind, did you hear what Nik wants to do?
- No, what? - asked Hayley.
- He wants a war with Cullens. - said Rebekah.
- The war? - asked Hope.
- Nothing new. - said Hayley. - What the hell is she doing here?
- Uhm, hi. I'm Susan you might no remember me. - I said.
-  Of course that I remember you. Everyone here knows you. - said Hayley.
Her face wasn't friendly.
- I'm sorry. - I said.
- Sorry for what? - asked Hope.
- You should apologise Elijah, not me. - said Hayley.
- Hope, go and come with your dad, please. - said Rebekah.
Hope smiled and she went. She was cute, I cannot believe that this monster named Klaus is somebody's dad.

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